The Health Utilisation and Expenditure Survey (HUES) was conducted in May/June 2007 and consisted of a nationally representative sample of 3,218 households. The objectives of the survey were: to estimate household health expenditure and compare this with the Integrated Household…
On February 23, 2007 the policy club has been organized within the framework of CoReform Project with the aim to discuss organizational arrangement of the Public Health at local level. It has brought together Deputy Ministers MOLHSA, representatives of Sector…
Community Based Health Insurance Project was funded by Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) and was implemented by Curatio International Foundation (CIF) during the period of September 2003 – September 2007. The objective of the project was to test the feasibility…
CIF consultant George Gotsadze was invited by the country office of UNAIDS Ukraine to support the reconstruction of the management component of the Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Control Project, financed with the loan proceeds from the World Bank. The project has…
The project of Feasibility Assessment for Introduction of the Community Based Health Financing (CBHF) was funded by Egyptian Social Fund for Development (SFD) and implemented by Curatio International Foundation during the period of September 2005- May 2006. The objective of…
The project of Feasibility Assessment for Introduction of the Community Based Health Financing (CBHF) was funded by Egyptian Social Fund for Development (SFD) and implemented by Curatio International Foundation during the period of September 2005- May 2006. The objective of…
The Health System Resource Centre (HSRC) provides access to technical assistance, knowledge, and information in support of pro-poor health policies, financing, and services, for the Department for International Development of UK and its international and national partners. The duration of…
The Community Investment Program – East was funded by BP/Mercy Corps, and implemented in partnership with Mercy Corps., Elkana, TAG, Constanta and Curatio International Foundation (CIF) in March 2003- December 2005. In the frame of this project, CIF was responsible…
The Community Investment Program – West was funded by BP/CARE Int. and implemented in partnership with CARE Int., ICCN, TAG, Constanta, and Curatio International Foundation (CIF) in the period of March 2003- December 2005. In the frame of this project,…
Community Based Health Financing (CBHF) project was implemented by Curatio International Foundation (CIF) through the Sub-Grant Agreement No: RFA-GC6-001-DT under the West Georgia Community Mobilization Initiative Project, which was administered by the Care International in Caucasus and was funded by…