Curatio International Foundation at Eighth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2024)
During 18-22 November 2024 in Nagasaki, Japan will be hosting the Eighth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research. Curatio International Foundation will actively participate in the symposium, presenting research outcomes and acting as panelists on the different sessions.

“The Informatics and Data Science for Public Health: Sustainment Plan for Skilled Labor Force Development”
Curatio International Foundation publishes the report “The Informatics and Data Science for Public Health: Sustainment Plan for Skilled Labor Force Development”
Janina Stauke from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine shares her internship experience
Janina Stauke from LSHTM was a CIF Intern during the 2024 Summer internship program, where she contributed to a project focused on understanding why individuals experience impoverishment due to health spending. In her role, conducted comprehensive literature review and has been involved in scientific paper development.
Jolly Mae Catalan fromUniversité Libre de Bruxelles shares her internship experience
Jolly Mae Catalan was a CIF Intern during the 2024 Summer internship program, where she contributed to a project focused on understanding why individuals experience impoverishment due to health spending. In her role, Jolly examined the impact of the accessibility and affordability of medicines for the Georgian population.

Georgia’s Journey to Integrating Rehabilitation Services into the Health System: Insights and Lessons
This Learning Brief captures Georgia's journey in integrating rehabilitation services into its health system, offering a detailed account of the strategies and actions that drove this transformation. I

Report on Rehabilitation Data Flow in Georgia’s Health Information System
The Curatio International Foundation (CIF) publishes report on Rehabilitation Data Flow in Georgia's Health Information System (HIS). This study investigates how rehabilitation information currently flows within Georgia's HIS, identifies strengths and shortcomings, and provides recommendations for enhancing the rehabilitation information system.

Georgia: a primary health care case study in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
The case study examines primary health care (PHC) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Georgia between January 2020 and July 2021. The Astana PHC components are used to consider integrated integrated primary care and essential public health functions, and essential public health functions, community engagement and multisectoral collaboration. A desk-based review was conducted, supplemented by a trend analysis of secondary data.

Adult vaccination in Asia and the Pacific
Curatio International Foundation in partnership with Asian Development Bank publishes a report entitled "Adult vaccination in Asia and the Pacific- policies, financial needs, and fiscal impacts"

Assessment of the Quality of Maternal and Neonatal Services in Montenegro
Curatio International Foundation (CIF) publishes a report on the Assessment of the Quality of Maternal and Newborn Care in Montenegro

Barometer Study: Pharmaceutical Sector in Georgia
The study includes the data of the first two quarters of 2023, namely the indicators of the level of inflation on the health care group, and in particular on pharmaceutical products.

Call for Internship 2024
Internship program is ideal for individuals interested in health systems, rehabilitation services, and health information systems (HIS). Interns will have the opportunity to gain insights into how Georgia has integrated rehabilitation services into health systems financing programs. A significant aspect of the internship involves understanding the current state of HIS for rehabilitation in Georgia, which stands as program’s main area of emphasis.

Georgian state rehabilitation program: implementation research study report
Georgia was selected as one of the priority countries for program support, which entails direct technical assistance and regional and global level activities to catalyze country-level work.

NEW Barometer, study focusing on the pharmaceutical sector
The Curatio International Foundation publishes a new Barometer, a study is focusing on the pharmaceutical sector. The purpose of the study is to examine the inflation on healthcare with a focus on pharmaceuticals.

Strengthening Health Systems for Accessible Rehabilitation Services in Georgia
The Curatio International Foundation, in collaboration with R4D (Results for Development) and USAID’s ‘Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator,’ conducted a stakeholder meeting on September 15th as part of the ‘Strengthening Health Systems for Accessible Rehabilitation Services in Georgia’ project.

Linked’s workshop on HPV vaccine introduction and scale up, held on July 11-12th, 2023
In a significant step towards combating the impact of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infections, in partnership with R4D, CIF organized a two-day in-person workshop in Istanbul, Turkey, to address the challenges faced by Middle-Income Countries (MICs) in HPV vaccine introduction and scale-up.

Training program focusing on interdisciplinary evaluation of rehabilitation interventions and patient outcomes
The Curatio International Foundation conducted a training program focusing on interdisciplinary evaluation of rehabilitation interventions and patient outcomes. This initiative was carried out as a part of the "Strengthening Health Systems for Accessible Rehabilitation Services in Georgia" project, in collaboration with R4D (Results for Development) and USAID's "Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator."

Unlocking Success Through Learning: Workshop on Strengthening HR Capacity and Performance Management in Immunization
During 6-7 June, about 30 participants, including government representatives and country partners from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Uzbekistan gathered at the CIF in-person workshop in Batumi to discuss their challenges and observe new approaches to linking organizational learning culture to immunization program performance.

Promote evidence-based policies in the pharmaceutical sector by generating evidence and fostering civic engagement
Training is intended to increase the sensitivity of media and CSOs towards the issues of equal access to medicines and provide them with objective information and practical instruments to mainstream the access issues in their work.

CIF and the Results for Development / Accelerator combined their expertise to co-author an insightful blog, shedding light on Georgia’s commendable efforts to overcome limited data challenges and develop evidence-based policies for financing rehabilitation services
With support from the Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator (Accelerator), a project implemented by CIF and R4D, the Ministry has used strategic health purchasing (SHP) to address key questions and develop an optimal program for rehabilitation.

Culminating event – Building Institutional Capacity for Health Policy and Systems Research and Delivery science (BIRD) in six WHO Regions
3-day culminating event was conducted in Beirut, Lebanon in the frame of “Building Institutional Capacity for Health Policy and Systems Research and Delivery science (BIRD) in six WHO Regions” program. The meeting aimed to reflect on achievements and learnings and plan for the future of the Mentorship Program.

Report on Phased (Stepwise) Plan for the Capability Development of the Priority Rehabilitation Services
This includes operational support and technical expertise on Georgia’s health systems and financing context to complement the Accelerator’s global expertise and translation of existing knowledge into locally feasible solutions. The project’s primary goal is to improve the financial protection of the population requiring medical rehabilitation services.

Report on prioritization of rehabilitation services in Georgia
The project's primary goal is to improve the financial protection of the population requiring medical rehabilitation services.

Report on Rehabilitation Service Costing and Budgeting
The Inclusive Development Hub of USAID's Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation has partnered with the Accelerator to support countries in strengthening and integrating rehabilitation services in the health systems.

Mental health of young people during the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on the mental health and wellbeing of the population globally. Even two years after the COVID-19 Pandemic breakout, the impact on the mental health of populations globally, particularly children and young people, is evident and dramatic.

Promote evidence-based policies in the pharmaceutical sector by generating evidence
The project will achieve the aim through two objectives: Investigate the recent reforms in the pharmaceutical sector and their impact on the access to medicines for Georgia citizens. Promote civic engagement and enhance the role of civic society in advocacy towards sustainable policy solutions in access to affordable medicines.

Mandatory Vaccination and Green Passes – Review of International Experience
Globally, the COVID-19 vaccination started at the end of 2020 and continues at a different paces in various countries. As of December 7 2021, 8 billion doses of vaccine have been administered worldwide, and 45% of the world's population has been fully vaccinated.

Sustaining Public Health Gains after Donor Transition: What can we learn about Georgia?
Understanding how and why Georgia was (or was not) able to sustain coverage with the selected health interventions after transition and identify the enablers and barriers to this. To achieve this objective following research questions were defined:

Curatio International Foundation at Seventh Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2022)
During October 31 – November 04, 2022, Bogota, Colombia hosted the Seventh Global Symposium on Health Systems Research. Research team of Curatio International Foundation actively participated in the symposium, organized couple satellite sessions and presented research outcomes to different sessions.

Curatio International Foundation at Global Symposium on Health Systems Research
The Global Symposium on Health Systems Research is organized biannually by Health Systems Global (HSG) to bring together the full range of players involved in health systems and policy research and practice. The Symposia plays a crucial, catalytic role in convening a global community dedicated to strengthening health systems and building the field of health systems research.

EECA HIV Sustainability Summit 2022 in Tbilisi
On September 26 – 28, EECA HIV Sustainability Summit 2022 took place in Tbilisi, Georgia, which aimed to mobilize national, regional, and international stakeholders and create a platform for the high-level dialogue on strategic vision and priority actions required to overcome critical disablers and barriers in ensuring sustainable access to essential HIV services.

Study report: Adaptations made in TB response during Covid-19 pandemic in Georgia
The CIF research team publishes study report entitled “What adaptations were made in TB response during Covid-19 pandemic in Georgia: health systems perspective on the implications for TB case detection and treatment provision”.

New review of our recent study on Immunization in Kazakhstan
„The report offers the most clear, comprehensive layout of the problems of planning and providing immunization in the Republic of Kazakhstan and offers detailed solutions. In essence, the document is a step-by-step guide to fixing the situation and must be read...

New case study: Sustaining effective coverage with Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) in Georgia in the context of transition from external assistance
why Georgia was able to sustain and increase adequate coverage with Opioid Substation Therapy (OST) previously funded by the Global Fund and identify the critical enablers.

New case study: National Immunisation Program Transition from external assistance
The CIF research team publishes a new case study entitled “National Immunization Program (NIP) Transition from external assistance – Case Study from Georgia”.

“Strengthening Health Systems for Accessible Rehabilitation Services in Georgia” – Workshop
On August 01, 2022, Curatio International Foundation in the frame of the project: “Strengthening Health Systems for Accessible Rehabilitation Services in Georgia” held a workshop with relevant stakeholders.

Strengthening the Delivery of Immunisation Services Through PHC Platforms-Workshop
The Linked Immunisation Action Network represents an integral component of Gavi’s new strategic approach to engaging with middle-income countries with the goal of preventing backsliding in vaccine coverage and driving the sustainable introduction of key missing vaccines.

Call for internship 2022
Curatio International Foundation (CIF) is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with a mission to improve health through better functioning health systems. CIF’s work is underpinned by three core values: Hearing Needs, Building on Local Strength; and Delivering Innovative Context-specific Solutions.

New Article published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health
In June 2022, a multidisciplinary open-access journal Frontiers in Public Health published an article: The State of Public health education and science during and after the fall of the Soviet Union: achievements, remaining challenges, and future priorities, by George Gotsadze, Nino Mirzikashvili, Dali Kekelidze, Sopio Kalandarishvili, Iagor Kalandadze, Ivane Abiatari, Akaki Zoidze.

New Paper: A transdiagnostic psychosocial prevention-intervention service for young people in the Republic of Georgia
Mental health and psychosocial prevention and support services for young people in the Republic of Georgia have been extremely limited, leaving a wide treatment and care gap.

Vaccine Procurement and Supply for the Expanded Program of Immunization in Kazakhstan
In May 2022 UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF) Kazakhstan published a report entitled: “Vaccine Procurement and Supply for the Expanded Program of Immunization in Kazakhstan: Gaps and Challenges for Action”, authored by Dr. George Gotsadze and Dr. David Sulaberidze, both representing Curatio International Foundation.

Prevention of Addiction and Mental Health in Adolescents in Georgia (PAMAd) – Workshop
On May 19 – 20, 2022, Curatio International Foundation held workshop in the frame of the research project:” Prevention of Addiction and Mental Health in Adolescents in Georgia (PAMAd)”.

Workshop to discuss the risk assessment of future TB migrants
Curatio International Foundation held a workshop aiming to discuss: "The risk assessment of future TB migrants and offer a mechanism to reduce those risks based on advanced international experience” considering the Georgian context.

Webinar : Matters of Scale and Integration in Digital Health Ecosystems
This digital dialogue session explored some of the emerging lessons for strengthening integrations of digital technologies into health services at scale and sustainability beyond COVID in mixed health systems. The aim of the discussion was to explore the role of government in facilitating a process of digital transformation that supports increasing access to effective and affordable health services by all social groups. The session explored two main questions:

Immunisation Action Network
Curatio International Foundation (CIF) in partnership with The Institute for Health Policy (IHP), and Results for Development (R4D) will co-lead the Linked Immunisation Action Network. CIF will serve as the focal point for six countries in the Europe and Central Asia region, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Mongolia, and Ukraine.

Data Analysis and Synthesis Workshop – analyzing the implications of the structure of Georgia’s private healthcare market for quality and accessibility
The project aims to understand what are the risks to the quality and accessibility of patient care from excessive concentration

External Reference Pricing Policy: A Possible Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Policy in Georgia
დოკუმენტის მიზანია მედიკამენტების ფასების რეგულირების ერთერთი ფართოდ გავრცელებული მექანიზმის - გარე რეფერენტული ფასწარმოქმნის (გრფ) პოლიტიკის შედეგების მიმოხილვა მედიკამენტებზე ხელმისაწვდომობის გაუმჯობესების კუთხით

Rapid reviews of health policy and systems evidence
The Alliance established the Embedding Rapid Reviews in Health Systems Decision-Making (ERA) initiative to build rapid review production directly within health decision-making institutions in LMICs.
მანდატორული ვაქცინაცია და მწვანე საშვები – საერთაშორისო გამოცდილების მიმოხილვა
რაც შეეხება საქართველოს, COVID-19-ის საწინააღმდეგო ვაქცინაცია 2021 წლის 15 მარტს დაიწყო. COVID-19-ის საწინააღმდეგო აცრებით საჭირო მოცვის სამიზნე მაჩვენებლად მოზრდილი მოსახლეობის 60% განისაზღვრა, რასაც ქვეყანამ უნდა მიაღწიოს 2021 წლის ბოლომდე.

Paper: Soviet legacy is still pervasive in health policy and systems research in the post-Soviet states

Strategic Fellowship – series of training courses for students
On November 24-29, 2021, Curatio International Foundation launched a series of training courses for students under the Strategic Fellowship / Internship Program, aimed at enhancing capacity in health policy and systems, and in particular in developing evidence-based policies. Upon completion of the training, students will continue to enhance their skills as part of the fellowship program.

Georgian NIP faces challenges in sustaining the outcomes achieved
There are issues with immunization coverage rates, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic; insufficient government financing for communication activities, supportive supervision, and the information management system;

CIF Internship Program 2021
The winter internship program is now open! Master’s degree and/or Ph.D. students from around the world are invited to apply and use the possibility to develop advanced research skills, meet leading experts in the field, and/or become a co-author of a scientific paper.

Enroll to the CIF’s Strategic Fellowship Programme
Curatio International Foundation in collaboration with the American University of Beirut, announces an educational Fellowship Program for professionals interested and active in the field of healthcare, for people who want to become advocates for change.

Article: How do participatory methods shape policy? Applying a realist approach to the formulation of a new tuberculosis policy in Georgia
The paper presents the iterative process of participatory multistakeholder engagement that informed the development of a new national tuberculosis (TB) policy in Georgia, and the lessons learned.

Bundled Payment Methods: An Alternative Payment Method to Contain Healthcare Costs in Georgia
Since there is a considerable growth in healthcare expenditure in Georgia, driven by both supply and demand, the health system would benefit by implementing alternative payment models that will reduce costs and improve the quality of care.

Author: Eka Paatashvili Over this last year, countries around the world have been forced to focus most of their efforts on fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, potentially leaving other health priorities, including routine immunization, to fall by the wayside. To understand...

DRUG CHECKING: An Essential Response to Emerging Harm Reduction Needs
Nowadays, these services, including DCS, are totally absent or fragmented, in particular, they are provided by only one organization that lacks funding and sustainability, thus has limited capabilities to comprehensively introduce and operate service delivery.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to shake the globe, signs of hope are beginning to emerge as countries start implementing COVID-19 vaccination campaigns. Early evidence tells us the welcoming news that these vaccines are driving down both new cases and mortality rates. However, challenges related to access, equity, and hesitancy remain.

Supporting Evidence-Informed Policy making and Action in Six WHO Regions
On March 31, 2021, the Curatio International Foundation participated in HSR2020 final phase session on Innovative Models of Institutional Arrangements to Support Evidence-Informed Policy making and Action in Six WHO Regions.

Georgian Healthcare Barometer XIV Wave The analysis of financial stability and risks in healthcare
Curatio International Foundation publishes the new 14th wave of the healthcare barometer which analyzes the financial situation and risks in Georgian healthcare sector.

Call for educational Strategic Policy Fellowship Program
If you are interested in the pharmaceutical sector, represent the public sector, a non-governmental organization, or are an activist, we look forward to your application

We are pleased to announce that The Sixth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2020) has opened
We are pleased to announce that The Sixth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2020) has opened. Curatio International Foundation has performed as a secretariat of Health Systems Global and organizer of Global Symposium on Health Systems Research for five years, since 2015.

Discussing interim results of research project: Prevention of Addiction and Mental Health in Adolescents in Georgia (PAMAd)
On October 16, 2020, the Curatio International Foundation held a meeting to discuss the interim results of the research project - Prevention of Addiction and Mental Health in Adolescents in Georgia (PAMAd)

Effects of Pay for Performance on utilization and quality of care among Primary Health Care providers in Middle and High-Income countries
The evidence review summarizes the existing literature on P4P effectiveness on utilization and quality of primary health care in private settings in middle-income and high- income countries. The document and its findings are especially relevant to Georgia.

Does pay for performance work to improve immunization coverage?
Pay for Performance (P4P) is a financing mechanism that has flourished in recent years as countries look for innovative ways to improve coverage of health services.

The recent COVID-19 crisis has shown how social media can be used successfully for community engagement and emotional support, as well as for providing the latest global evidence.

The first phase of the joint fellowship program of the Curatio International Foundation and the Knowledge to Policy Center (K2P) at the American University of Beirut has been successfully implemented
On July 27 and 28, the Curatio International Foundation implemented the first phase of the Strategic Fellowship program. Representatives of the government and non-government sectors in the healthcare competition were trained in evidence-based decision making and advocacy.

LNCT WEBINAR: Incremental Costs of Routine Immunization, Campaigns, and Outreach Services During COVID-19
Please join us on Thursday, July 16, 2020, for LNCT webinar: Incremental Costs of Routine Immunization, Campaigns, and Outreach Services During COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted immunization services critical to the prevention of vaccine preventable diseases in many low- and middle- income countries around the world.

LNCT Webinar: Assessing Bottlenecks to Adequate and Predictable Vaccine Financing
Please join us on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 for LNCT webinar, Assessing Bottlenecks to Adequate and Predictable Vaccine Financing. Diagnosing the root cause of constraints affecting the adequacy and predictability of vaccine financing is an important part of the Gavi transition.

LNCT WEBINAR: Designing Behavioural Strategies for Immunization in a Covid-19 Context
Please join us on Thursday, May 21, 2020 for an LNCT webinar, ‘Designing Behavioral Strategies for Immunization in a Covid-19 Context.’ Hosted by Common Thread, this webinar will review the Covid-19 context that many GAVI countries now find themselves in.

Concentration and fragmentation: analyzing the implications of the structure of Georgia’s private healthcare market for quality and accessibility (ConFrag)
The research project aims to understand what are the risks to quality and accessibility of patient care from excessive concentration and/or fragmentation in private healthcare markets, and what health system policies are available to address these?

LNCT Discussion Group: COVID-19 Impact on Immunization Programs
With the COVID-19 pandemic straining health systems around the world, LNCT would like to support countries to minimize potential negative effects on their immunization programs. To understand the challenges posed by COVID-19 on immunization in LNCT countries and exchange on approaches in dealing with the impact of the pandemic.

#COVID19 – Evidence and Policymaking: Personal Reflections from an LMIC Setting
As I embark on writing this blog, the global outbreak of COVID-19 is posing a growing threat to the health and well-being of our societies. The unfolding global health and economic crisis demands bold actions from all of us, but most importantly from policymakers.

The COVID-19 epidemic in Georgia Projections and Policy Options
Curatio International Foundation continues to support the Georgia government by providing evidence for evidence-informed decision making. Current effort – a Rapid Response document – represents an evidence synthesis about effective measures to respond to the COVID-19 epidemic.

Modeling of Four Possible Scenarios of COVID-19 epidemics in Georgia
Curatio International Foundation prepared to model for Georgia on four possible scenarios of epidemics in line with the social distancing. CIF used modeling tool, Penn Medicine - COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model Epidemics.

Application for Summer Internship program is closed
The summer internship application process is closed now! We would like to thank all students who applied and we will provide information about the outcomes within the next 10 days.

LNCT Webinar: Key Considerations for Integrating Immunization with Other Primary Health Care Services
Please join us on Thursday March 26th, 2020 for LNCT webinar, ‘Key Considerations for Integrating Immunization with Other Primary Health Care Services.’

Georgia Sharing knowledge to Armenia to strengthen immunization legislation
Armenian delegation represented by the Ministry of Health and the National Center for Disease Control visited representatives of the Parliament, Ministries of Health and Education and the National CDC in Tbilisi
Call for Interns as researchers is now open
CIF summer internship program is now open! Master’s degree and Ph.D. students from around the world are invited to apply and use the possibility to develop advanced research skills, meet leading experts in the field and/or become a co-author of a scientific paper.

Improving access to pharmaceuticals in Georgia
The Policy Dialogue Summary Document summarizes the main focuses of the discussion. The decisions are taken as a result of the meeting.

LNCT Webinar: Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy Challenges
Please join us on February 6th for a webinar featuring country experiences related to vaccine hesitancy challenges. Panelists from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine will present a summary of the key issues and lessons learned during LNCT’s vaccine hesitancy workshop, which took place in Geneva in November 2019.

Project on “Technical Assistance Using Modern Technology for TB Prevention, Diagnosis, and Increased Quality Treatment” was closed
On December 20, 2019, Curatio International Foundation held closure event of the project: “Technical Assistance Using Modern Technology for TB Prevention, Diagnosis, and Increased Quality Treatment”. The project is financed by the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health.

Dialogue on Pharmaceutical pricing policies to improve the population’s access to pharmaceuticals in Georgia
This rapid response document represented international practice and scientific evidence. The document was prepared by Curatio International Foundation in collaboration with Healthcare and Social Issues Committee and the Research Department of the Parliament of Georgia.

LNCT Webinar: Implementing a High Performing Immunization Program within the Context of National Health Insurance: What can we Learn from Thailand?
Please join us on Wednesday, December 11th for LNCT webinar, 'Implementing a High Performing Immunization Program within the Context of National Health Insurance: What can we Learn from Thailand?'

LNCT Webinar: Strengthening Public-Private Engagement for Immunization Delivery
Join us on Tuesday, January 26th, to learn about Public-Private Engagement for Immunization Delivery. The webinar will cover different ways that the MOH engages with private sector entities to support immunization program performance. Participants will learn about experiences from two countries with different models for engaging with private providers. The webinar will conclude with a 20-minute moderated question & answer discussion with the panelists.

Implementing new research: Prevention of Addiction and Mental Health in Adolescents in Georgia
CIF is implementing new research project entitled "Prevention of Addiction and Mental Health in Adolescents in Georgia (PAMAd)". The aim of this 42-month duration project is to improve the health and wellbeing of adolescents and young people affected by substance use and common mental health disorders through effective service provision.

Georgia’s introduction of the Hexavalent vaccine: Lessons on successful procurement and advocacy
Authors: Eka Paatashvili and Vladimer Getia As countries transition from Gavi support, sustaining access to affordable and high-quality vaccines is one of many challenges they face. Fully self-financing countries need to maintain their immunization programs while also committing increased funds...

Georgia Primary Health Care Profile: 6 Year after UHC program introduction
The document emphasizes the role of Universal Health Care Program in increased access to health services, although it concludes that PHC needs prioritization and improved program management to address existing challenges in the system: fragmentation in service provision and inefficiency in service delivery.

National consultations to propose a new model of TB funding
On September 23 Curatio International Foundation held national consultation in the frame of the project “Technical Assistance Using Modern Technology for TB Prevention, Diagnosis and Increased Quality Treatment”. The project is financed by National Center for Disease Control and Public Health.

We are pleased to announce the theme and sub-themes for the Sixth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Dubai in November 2020: “Re-imagining health systems for better health and social justice”

Health Systems Global (HSG) and The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) are committed to supporting individual capacity for the conduct and uptake of health policy and systems research (HPSR). Peer reviewed publications are important for communicating scientific work, recognition within the research community and career progression.

A pilot of a new intervention launched to Improve adherence to TB treatment and its outcomes in Georgia
A pilot of a new intervention in TB service provision launched from July 1 st , 2019 in Georgia. The intervention aims at improving adherence to TB treatment and its outcomes through introduction of a package of interventions, including an integrated TB care at primary health care level and a Results Based Financing (RBF) scheme of healthcare providers.

Training for epidemiologists and health workers on TB contact tracing new guideline
On August 5-6 International Foundation Curatio held one-day training for epidemiologist and health workers in the frame of the project “Technical Assistance Using Modern Technology for TB Prevention, Diagnosis and Increased Quality Treatment" funded by National Center for Disease Control and Public Health. Aim of the training was to introduce training participants TB contact tracing new guideline.

Workshop on using modern technology for TB prevention, diagnosis and increased quality treatment
Curatio International Foundation held expanded workshop in the frame of the project “Technical Assistance using modern technology for TB prevention, diagnosis and increased quality treatment”. The project is financed by National Center for Disease Control and Public Health.

K2P Mentorship Program on Building Institutional Capacity on Evidence Informed Policy Making
The Head of Research Unit Maia Uchaneishvili is presenting the progress, challenges and future vision of Curatio International Foundation about the K2P Mentorship program on building institutional capacity for HPSR and evidence informed policy making, the workshop is organized by Knowledge to Policy K2P Center at the American University of Beirut, the project is supported by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) under the WHO.

Training on using Research Evidence for Policy Making
Curatio International Foundation is holding a 3-day training on 15-17 May, at the Parliament of Georgia on using Research Evidence for Policy Making and on the Rapid Response Synthesis.

Doing embedded development and research – reflections on the start of the Results4TB programme
Georgia has a high overall tuberculosis treatment success rate, but with wide geographical variation, and a high loss to follow up. Treatment success rate of drug-sensitive patients varies from 50% to 100%. Even more worrying has been the relatively low treatment success rates for multi-drug resistant TB patients, at around 56%.
Healthcare Advocacy Coalition (HAC) for Human Oriented Healthcare
Realizing the challenges facing the public health and healthcare system, representatives from civil society, including NGOs, media, universities, and activists decided to form an informal union - the Health Advocacy Coalition.

Introductory Meeting on the project ‘Embedding Rapid Reviews in Health Policy-Making’
On November 5, the Committee on Health and Social Affairs of the Parliament of Georgia will host an introductory meeting on the project “Embedding Rapid Reviews in Health Policy-Making”.

Taavy Miller from University of North Carolina shares her internship experience
Taavy Miller was a CIF Intern during the 2018 Summer internship program. Within the internship program at CIF, Taavy was involved in the project aimed to study issues related to population access to medicine.

Building Institutional Capacity for HPSR and Delivery Science- CIF is Europe region HUB
The evidence-informed decision making in health still remains a major challenge. To strengthen institutional capacity in different countries around the globe the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) launched the new program to strengthen the capacity of local teaching/research and policy institutions in six low- and middle- income countries in each WHO region.

Inter-regional workshop in preparation for transitioning towards domestic financing in TB, HIV and Malaria programmes
During October 17-19 the WHO Regional Office for Europe in collaboration with WHO headquarters, GFATM and USAID is organising a workshop in Tbilisi to provide countries a platform for dialogue on sustainability and transition issues, and to further define regional and national actions for successful transition from external support while maintaining and scaling up efforts in addressing HIV, TB and Malaria.

Memorandum of Cooperation between the Health and Social Issues Committee of the Parliament of Georgia and Curatio International Foundation
On October 15, Akaki Zoidze, Chairman of Health Care and Social Issues Committee of the Parliament of Georgia and Curatio International Foundation President George Gotsadze signed a memorandum of cooperation

Embedding Rapid Reviews in Health Systems Decision-Making (ERA)
Curatio International Foundation has been implementing a project – an introduction of REM evaluations in health policy development - initiated by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) since July 2018.

Curatio International Foundation at the Global Symposium on Health Systems Research
Experts of Curatio International Foundation are joining the symposium as participants. They can be reached in the exhibition hall Table #14 or at the following sessions of the symposium:

The civil society gathered for the fourth time to discuss healthcare system challenges in Georgia
On September 27-29, the fourth work meeting of a civil society is being held in Kachreti. Representatives of a civil society, media and academia convene under the framework of the joint project of Curatio International Foundation and Open Society Foundation.

Project: HIV risk behavior among Men who have Sex with Men – Bio-Behavioral Surveillance Survey and Population Size Estimation
The project aims to generate reliable information about MSM population size and define the population HIV and Hepatitis C risk behaviour. The results of the study will be used to assess the national response to HIV/AIDS and to plan the adequate national program.

Curatio International Foundation at AIDS2018
Curatio International Foundation joins the 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 22-27 July.

Big Pharma Greed and Artificial Prices – Knocking on Door to Limit Access to HIV Medicines in Georgia
They produce medicines that can save lives and at the same time artificially restrict access to these drugs for financially deprived people and for countries that fall outside their commercial interests.

Civil society is gathering for the third time to hold a discussion about the healthcare
On 13 and 14 July, the Curatio International Foundation and the Open Society Foundation organize the third meeting with representatives of civil society, media, and academy. The purpose of the meeting is to analyze Georgia’s health care system and to discuss the challenges of the system.

Webinar: Gavi Vaccine Prices Post-Transition
On Tuesday, July 17th for the third in a series of LNCT webinars on vaccine procurement. Participants will get updated information on how to access vaccine prices similar to those paid by Gavi once countries have transitioned.

Webinar: Mapping and consensus of global competencies set for the field of HPSR: A progress update and HSG round table discussion
Are you involved with designing HPSR training programs? Do you create course content for HPSR training? Do you implement teaching programs for HSPR?

Health Systems Global Publishes Annual Report 2017
On behalf of the Secretariat, we are honored to share the results of our joint effort. Reading this document you will see the progress HSG society made during these years as well as some challenges we still need to tackle.

Webinar: Vaccine Forecasting and Budgeting Tools and Best Practices
Participants will learn about existing vaccine forecasting and budgeting tools and best practices to optimize quantities procured while minimizing costs and risk of supply shortage and gaps in funding.

Technical Assistance for evaluation of transition readiness and preparation of Transition and Sustainability Plan for Global Fund-supported programs in Tajikistan
In June 2018 CIF initiated a new project with the financial support of The Global Fund. The overall goal of the CIF assignment is to support the Country Coordination Mechanism of Tajikistan (CCM) in assessing country preparedness for Transition and developing the Transition and Sustainability Plan based on this assessment and key steps identified.

Technical Assistance for the preparation of Transition and Sustainability Plan for HIV program in Philippines
Since May 2018 Curatio International Foundation implements a technical assistance for the Philippines to prepare Transition and Sustainability Plan for HIV program. The overall goal of the given assignment is to support the Department of Health and the Philippine National AIDS Council to develop the Transition and Financial Sustainability Plan based on the evaluation of remaining steps required to strengthen transition preparedness. The project is fulfilled in June 2018.

Discussing the accessibility of medicines in Georgia
In June, within the initiative, Curatio International Foundation held a workshop to discuss the accessibility of medicines in Georgia. Representatives of more than 20 interested organizations, including civil society, media, and academy, we discussed an important challenge of the pharmaceutical industry, which makes it difficult for the population to get access to medicines.

Webinar: Integrating gender into health system strengthening in conflict and crisis-affected settings; what’s in our toolkit?
Webinar describes how the process of focusing on gender has unfolded in different settings and share a range of tools that interested researchers, policymakers, and practitioners could use and adapt to stimulate progress towards gender equity.

Article: Barriers to mental health care utilization among internally displaced persons in the republic of Georgia: a rapid appraisal study
The new paper identifies the health system barriers leading to low rates of utilization of mental health services among internally displaced people (IDP) with mental disorders. The paper was published in BMC Health Services Research authored by Adrianna Murphy, Ivdity Chikovani, Maia Uchaneishvili, Nino Makhashvili and Bayard Roberts.

Why Georgians second-guess their doctors – Deregulation has left Georgian medical care something many Georgians would rather avoid
Lapses in education and deregulation may, at least partly, explain the frequency of medical errors, suggests Giorgi Gotsadze, the president of the Curatio International Foundation, a healthcare think-tank based in Tbilisi.

Ara Srinagesh from New York University Shares her Internship Experience
Ara Srinagesh was an intern at CIF from New York University. Aradhana is a master degree student of Public Health in Health Promotion & Disease Prevention and Outcomes. During the Winter Internship program, Ara worked on HIV Prevention and Risk Behavior among Key Populations in Georgia. In the short video interview, Aradhana described why and how she applied for our winter internship program, and shared her plans for her future carrier.

Webinar on The peer review process – what happens when you send your manuscript to a journal
Have you ever wondered what the journal editor’s viewpoint is on your article, or what happens once you send your manuscript to a journal? This webinar will provide an overview of the peer review process with advice for authors on how to engage constructively with comments from editors and reviewers, and what to do when you disagree.

Webinar on Improving Quality of Care during Childbirth: Learnings and Next Steps from the BetterBirth Trial
Join the webinar organized by Health Systems Global. During this webinar, Katherine Semaru will discuss the lessons learned from the BetterBirth trial towards the increase of quality of maternal and newborn care, and the work still needed to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.

Civil Society is Being United to Discuss Healthcare System Issues
Curatio International Foundation, within the framework of the ongoing project: "Engaging civil society in decision-making and monitoring in Georgian healthcare sector" along with the Open Society Network supports strengthening and consolidating civil society representatives interested in health care for advocacy on health issues.

Curatio International Foundation for a TB-Free World
Curatio International Foundation together with its global partners has implemented several projects at both the national and international levels addressing TB financing, transition from donor funding and TB community strengthening. We believe our commitment will result in a better environment to broadening the prospects of a TB-free world.
Summer Internship Program is now open
The summer internship program is now open! Students from around the world are invited to apply and use the possibility to develop advanced research skills, meet leading experts in the field and become a co-author of a scientific paper. we offer three research directions to work on

Closing Project: Tuberculosis Community Systems Strengthening in Georgia
The Curatio International Foundation has fulfilled a Tuberculosis Community Systems Strengthening (TBCSS) Project in Georgia, funded by the Stop TB partnership in the frame of Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS) round 7 program. The goal for the project was to strengthen community response that is integrated and part of a comprehensive response to TB in Georgia.

Primary Health Care Systems: Georgia case study
Curatio International Foundation publishes Georgia case study of primary health care system (PRIMASYS). The PRIMASYS case study covers key aspects of primary health care system, including policy development and implementation, financing, integration of primary health care into comprehensive health systems, scope, quality and coverage of care, governance and organization, and monitoring and evaluation of system performance.

Integrated Bio-behavioral surveillance and population size estimation survey among Female Sex Workers in Tbilisi and Batumi, Georgia
This study represents the subsequent wave of BBS surveys undertaken among FSWs since 2002. The current study was conducted in 2017 using the Time-Location Sampling technique and 350 FSWs was recruited in total in two survey locations - 200 in Tbilisi and 150 - in Batumi.

Applying a Health Policy and Systems Research lens to Human Resources for Health: Capacity building, leadership and politics
How do we study ‘invisible’ concepts such as politics and power as they relate to HRH policymaking? Is HRH leadership and management about individual competencies or organisational culture? Do training and supervision always result in improved performance?

CIF hosts Aradhana Srinagesh throughout the winter internship program
CIF will host Aradhana during the last 2 weeks of March and along with our researchers she will work on literature review related to HIV Prevention and Risk Behavior among Key Populations.

Empowering civil society for engagement in and monitoring the decision making in health sector in Georgia
The project aims to strengthen CSOs working on Health Systems to participate in the decision-making process, to assume watchdog functions, monitor enforcement of policies and advocate for better health for all. The project is funded by Open Society Foundation through proactive cooperation with Open Society Georgian Foundation.

Curatio International Foundation presented BBS and PSE study findings at the Civil Society Forum
Curatio International Foundation, together with Tanadgoma and Public Union Bemoni introduced study finding at the Civil Society Forum held by Country Coordination Mechanism of Georgia in Holiday Inn Tbilisi.

Article: Barriers to delivering mental health services in Georgia with an economic and financial focus: informing policy and acting on evidence
A new paper discusses the economic and financial barriers to delivering mental health services in Georgia and assessing the opportunities for reform that can support the development of strategies for change.

The Interview on population size and Human Immunodeficiency Virus risk behaviors of People who Inject Drugs in Georgia
The interview is based on the latest wave of the integrated Bio- behavioral surveillance survey conducted People Who Inject drugs (PWID) in 7 cities of Georgia. The research aims to mesure the prevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) among PWID, define key risk behaviors related to HIV and generate evidence for advocacy and policy development.
Population Size Estimation of People who Inject Drugs in Georgia 2016-2017
This study estimated the size of People Who Inject Drugs using different estimation methods to provide the most plausible estimates. The study was carried out in conjunction with the Bio Behavioral Surveillance Survey among injecting drug users.

HIV risk and prevention behaviors among People Who Inject Drugs in seven cities of Georgia, 2017
Current study represents the latest 7th wave of Bio-Behavioral Surveillance Surveys among People Who Inject Drugs. Objective of the study was to measure prevalence of HIV and Hepatitis C among PWID, provide measurements of key risk behaviors and generate evidence for advocacy and policy-making.

In Georgia HIV Prevalence among People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) remains low 2.2 %, with no change since 2015. Drug Injection is one of the leading routes of HIV transmission. Most of PWID have safe injection practice as measured by their response to the last injection episode.

Conference paper: The Study of Barriers and Facilitators to Adherence to Treatment among Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients in Georgia to Inform Policy Decision
The study outlines different health system factors as long as some social and economic elements influencing the adherence behavior to TB treatment among MDR-TB patients in Georgia. The study concludes that factors are closely interlinked and self-reinforcing.

Article: Human immunodeficiency virus prevalence and risk determinants among people who inject drugs in the Republic of Georgia
Significant associations were found between HIV positivity and history of drug injection, older age at first drug injection, safe sex behavior last year and preventive program coverage. HIV prevalence among PWID is stable and remains at low level.

Conference paper about realist evaluation: Informing policy, assessing its effects and understanding how it works for improved Tuberculosis management in Georgia
At the conference research team introduced insights of using Realist Evaluation to not only elicit the Programme Theory of the policy-makers and implementers, but also of the researchers.

Georgian Healthcare and its Challenges: Healthcare Expert George Gotsadze will host the lecture
The course will equip participants with the knowledge and information about the healthcare system, specifically the importance of healthcare systems in the societal and economic context for the country. The 3 weeks course will take place in Rooms Hotel Tbilisi, starting November 15 and will host leaders of different organizations, interested with healthcare systems.

17 years in Curatio International Foundation: President Ketevan Chkhatarashvili to Leave Organization
As Dr. Chkhatarashvili leaves her post as CIF President, she will embark on a new path in her professional career to work as a global independent consultant. As such, the CIF team would like to express its sincere gratitude for all of her contributions over the past 15 years, and would like to wish her great success in her new endeavor. Going forward, the Curatio International Foundation also hopes to continue its fruitful collaboration with her.

Be ready for the Best Internship Experience
Curatio International Foundation engages local and international students, studying at masters or Ph.D. level, interested to be involved in the research projects implemented by the organization.

Apply for Our Winter Internship Program
We invite Master and PhD students from around the world to apply on the program. During the internship you will have a possibility to develop advanced research skills, meet leading experts in the field and become a co-author of a scientific paper.

Georgian Solution for a Post-Soviet TB Program: Can Integration into Primary Health Care Improve TB Care?
Former Soviet countries in the Eastern European and Central Asian (EECA) region are fighting the prevailing perception that their outdated hospital-based tuberculosis (TB) programs are failing to provide patient-centered care.

Moving Forward: Second PT workshop with TB stakeholders in Georgia
On August 9th Curatio International Foundation will conduct the second Program Theory workshop in Tbilisi within the project Designing and evaluating provider results-based financing for tuberculosis care in Georgia: understanding costs, mechanisms of effect and impact.

Article: Determinants analysis of outpatient service utilization in Georgia: can the approach help inform benefit package design?
Curatio International Foundation conducted secondary data analyses of Health Service Utilization and Expenditure survey (2 waves), conducted by Ministry of Labor Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, supported by WHO and The World Bank. We studied factors that impact utilization...

Designing and evaluating provider results-based financing for tuberculosis care in Georgia (RBF4TB)
Introduction and Overview CIF in partnership with Queen Margaret University (UK), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK) and Antwerp Institute of Tropical Medicine (Belgium) is implementing a study “Designing and evaluating provider results-based financing for tuberculosis care in...

Forbes Georgia: The Importance of Evidence in Decision Making
In February 2017, CIF director George Gotsadze talked with Forbes Georgia. The interview discusses the role of effective management in health systems and impact of innovations in the field. In the article George speaks about CIF experience serving as HSG Secretariat. Read more...

Barriers and Facilitators to Adherence to Treatment Among Drug Resistant TB Patients in Georgia
Tuberculosis is a global challenge to public health throughout the world. Poor adherence to treatment remains a significant problem that prevents countries from obtaining high treatment success rates that is essential for health systems to control the epidemic and decrease

Summer internship program 2017 is open now!
We attract interns from around the world, who are interested to have the first-hand experience in the real-life setting and to contribute to the research projects implemented by CIF. Master and PhD students from around the world are invited to apply...

Transition Preparedness Assessment
Sustainability of national HIV and TB programs gains importance in light of recent changes in the global health landscape when external funders are redirecting resources to poorer states while phasing out from middle-income countries. Objectively evaluation of the country transition...

New Study Findings About Tuberculosis
Curatio International Foundation together with the Partnership for Research and Action for Health organized a meeting at the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health on 26th of December, where two different study findings were represented. Studies aimed to...

Meet CIF in Vancouver at HSR2016
Curatio International Foundation will be featured at Health Systems Research 4th Symposium to be held in Vancouver, Canada November 14 -18, 2016. CIF experts will discuss several important health system-related issues and share particular knowledge with a global audience. We...

Curatio International Foundation: Transition and Sustainability Portfolio
As middle-income countries experience economic growth and increased government spending potential on healthcare, donors have begun decreasing their support under the assumption those countries have sufficient physical space to support and sustain their health programs.

Article: Privilege and inclusivity in shaping Global Health agendas
Health Policy and Planning published an article Privilege and inclusivity in shaping Global Health agendas. CIF director George Gotsadze co-authors the paper together with Kabir Sheikh, Sara Bennett and Fadi el Jardali. The article discusses lack of inclusivity in Global Health...

Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Sustainability and Transition Coordination Summit 20-21 October, 2016 Vilnius, Lithuania
In recent years there has been a significant decrease in funding from international and bilateral donors, including The Global Fund (TGF) to support HIV and TB response in middle income countries across Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). This raises...

Internship Announcement, Winter 2016-17
The winter internship program is open now! Master and PhD students from around the world are invited to apply and use the possibility to develop advanced research skills, meet leading experts in the field and become a co-author of a...

Evaluation of UNICEF’s Contribution in Central and Eastern European Five Countries
Curatio International Foundation conducted an evaluation of UNICEF’s contribution to the reduction of under 5 mortality in five countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Serbia, and Uzbekistan. The evaluation covered 12 years from 2000 – 2012 and was performed in 2014-2015. UNICEF’s...

CIF researchers represented on Global Conference AIDS2016
CIF researchers Ivdity Chikovani and Lela Sulaberidze participated in AIDS 2016 conference that was held in Durban, South Africa in July 2016. The conference assembled over 18,000 delegates from around the world. Scientists, policymakers, world leaders, and people living with...

UHC 2030: Building an Alliance to Strengthen Health Systems
Almost 100 experts were gathered together in Geneva in the end of June, to support transforming process from IHP+ to UHC 2030. The overall aim of UHC 2030 will be to support a movement for accelerated, equitable and sustainable progress...

CIF Pharmaceutical Price and Availability Study (Fifth Wave Results)
The Curatio International Foundation has released the results of the fifth wave of the Pharmaceutical Price and Availability (PPA) study in Georgia. The study set out to generate further evidence regarding pharmaceutical prices and availability in the country through the...
Assessment of GAVI Alliance HSS support to Tajikistan
In August 2014, Curatio International Foundation conducted an assessment of GAVI Alliance HSS support to Tajikstan to provide solid evidence of to what extent the support achieved its objectives and contributed to strengthen the health system of the country. The assessment...
Final Evaluation of Gavi’s Support to Albania
After the conclusion of Gavi’s support period (2014) to the Albania, Curatio International Foundation conducted the evaluation study and assessed financial and programmatic sustainability through an in-depth analysis of Albania’s experiences and immunization programme performance before, during and after the...

Infographic: HIV/AIDS in Georgia
Though preventive programs are focused on the high risk population, we face slightly but growing tendency of HIV/AIDs among general population.

HIV risk and prevention behaviours among Prison Inmates in Georgia, 2015
Curatio International Foundation continues implementation of Bio-Behavioral Surveillance Surveys (BBS) among Key Affected Populations (KAP’s) with the aim to measure HIV prevalence among KAP’s, monitor risk behaviors among these groups and generate evidence for advocacy and policy-making. The current study...
Washington DC hosts workshop Immunization Costing: what have we learned, can we do better?
On May 17-18 EPIC Immunization Costing hosts workshop Immunization Costing: what have we learned, can we do better? in Washington DC. CIF executive director George Gotsadze and Business Develop ment unit director Ketevan Goguadze are invited to attend the event. George Gotsadze...

Bio-Behavioral Surveillance Survey among Men who have Sex with Men in two major cities of Georgia, 2015
Bio-Behavioral Surveillance Survey among Men who have Sex with Men in two major cities of Georgia, 2015 Curatio International Foundation continues implementation of Bio-Behavioral Surveillance Surveys (BBS) among Key Affected Populations (KAP’s) with the aim to measure HIV prevalence among...

EPIC Studies – Governments Finance, On Average, More Than 50 Percent Of Immunization Expenses, 2010–11
Journal Health Affairs publishes a new Article EPIC Studies: Governments Finance, On Average, More Than 50 Percent Of Immunization Expenses, 2010–11 coauthored by CIF team member Keti Goguadze. Abstract: Governments in resource-poor settings have traditionally relied on external donor support...

Bio-Behavioral Surveillance Survey among People Who Inject Drugs in 7 cities of Georgia, 2015
Curatio International Foundation continues implementation of Bio-Behavioral Surveillance Surveys (BBS) among Key Affected Populations (KAP’s) with the aim to measure HIV prevalence among KAP’s, monitor risk behaviors among these groups and generate evidence for advocacy and policy-making. The current study...

TB Community Systems Strengthening in Georgia
We are glad to announce that Curatio International Foundation has been selected to be Round 7 Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS) grantee under the Stop TB partnership financial support. TB Community Systems Strengthening (TBCSS) project in Georgia aims –...

What can be done to improve treatment adherence among tuberculosis patients in Georgia: Looking through health systems lens
Curatio International Foundation has started implementation of new research project with the aim to provide a more in-depth understanding of the factors associated with loss to follow-up among TB patients. The project is funded under the Joint TDR/EURO Small Grants...

Summer Internship Program 2016
The Summer internship program is now open! Master and PhD students from around the world are invited to apply and use the possibility to develop advanced research skills, meet leading experts in the field and become a coauthor of a...
BioBehavior Surveillance Survey results were represented to the members of Parliament of Georgia
Curatio International Foundation together with BEMONI PUBLIC UNION (BPU) represented BioBehavior Surveillance Survey results to the Members of Parliament of Georgia. The study was conducted in seven major cities of Georgia (Tbilisi, Gori, Telavi, Zugdidi, Batumi, Kutaisi and Rustavi) with...

Announcing Winter Internship Program 2016
Curatio International Foundation invites Master and PhD international students to apply on Winter Internship Program. Through the program, students have the possibility to develop advanced research skills, meet leading experts in the field and become a coauthor of a scientific...

Regional High Level Dialogue ‘Road to Success’, Tbilisi, Georgia
On September 28-30, 2015 Regional High Level Dialogue took place in Tbilisi, Georgia on Successful Transition to Domestic Funding of HIV and TB Response in EECA. The 320 delegates from 31 countries have agreed to work together in creating and...

CIF study results on 8th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention
Findings of population size estimation study among Man who have Sex with Men (MSM) was presented to the 8th International Aids Association conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention in Vancouver, Canada in July, 2015. The study was conducted by...

Response to the “Final evaluation of GAVI support to Bosnia and Herzegovina”
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance published response to the “Final evaluation of Gavi support to Bosnia and Herzegovina” conducted by Curatio International Foundation. Gavi assess the final evaluation and the given recommendations as an important document for the transition country program...

The drivers of facility-based immunization performance and costs. An application to Moldova
The drivers of facility-based immunization performance and costs. An application to Moldova. This is the article an International peer reviewed Journal Vaccine published, Co-authored by experts from the Curatio International Foundation. The study was a part of a multi-country coting and...
Awaiting the results of Prisoners’ Behavior Surveillance Survey (BSS)
Curatio International Foundation together with Infectious Diseases, AIDS and Clinical Immunology Research Center and Association Tanadgoma has conducted the Behavior Surveillance Survey with biomarker component. The study report of Behavior Surveillance Survey with biomarker component among 210 prisoners will be...
Costs of routine immunization services in Moldova: Findings of a facility-based costing study
An International peer reviewed Journal Vaccine, published an article Costs of routine immunization services in Moldova: Findings of a facility-based costing study. Authored by experts from the Curatio International Foundation. The study evaluates the total economic and unit costs of...
Analyses of Costs and Financing of the Routine Immunization Program and New Vaccine Introduction in the Republic of Moldova
In 2012-2014 Curatio International Foundation implemented the costing study that aimed to evaluate routine immunization program costs and financing as well as incremental costs and financing of a new vaccine introduction in the Republic of Moldova. The study was a...
Health Service Utilization for Mental, Behavioural and Emotional Problems among Conflict-Affected Population in Georgia
An International peer reviewed Journal PLOS One has published an article Health Service Utilization for Mental, Behavioral and Emotional Problems among Conflict-Affected Population in Georgia: A Cross-Sectional Study, authored by experts from the Curatio International Foundation, and the London School of...
Healthcare Utilization and Expenditures for Chronic and Acute Conditions in Georgia: Does benefit package design matter?
An International peer reviewed journal BMC Health Services Research publishes an article Healthcare utilization and expenditures for chronic and acute conditions in Georgia: Does benefit package design matter?, authored by experts from the Curatio International Foundation and London School of...

Curatio International Foundation Hosts Health Systems Global Secretariat in Tbilisi, Georgia
Starting from March 1st, 2015 Curatio International Foundation (CIF) hosts the HSG secretariat in Tbilisi, Georgia.

An Impact Evaluation of Medical Insurance for Poor in Georgia: Preliminary Results and Policy Implications
An International peer reviewed journal Health Policy and Planning has published an article An impact evaluation of medical insurance for poor in Georgia: preliminary results and policy implications, authored by Curatio International Foundation experts. The authors evaluated the impact of...
Policy Information Platform (PIP) Expert Consultation Meeting
Policy Information Platform (PIP) expert consultation was held in Istanbul on 29-30 January, 2015. At the meeting methodological issues, roadmap for the PIP implementation and evaluation approaches were discussed. CIF director George Gotsadze and Research Unit director Ivdity Chikovani participated...

Civil Society Forum organized by Country Coordination Mechanism
On January 29, at Courtyard Marriott Hotel was held a Civil Society Forum organized by Country Coordination Mechanism. The forum was part of country dialogue process regarding HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis issues. During the meeting, civil society representatives shared results of...
Drexel University on CIF Internship Program
Alexander Krengel from Seattle, US is a Master of Public Health student at Drexel University. He is interested in global health systems and issues about implementation health systems around the world. Thats why he became a CIF intern and spent...
CIF Publishes the Short Movie on 20 Years of Healthcare, 2014
Curatio International Foundation celebrates its 20 years anniversary and prepares short movie describing the history of health care reforms in Georgia after collapse of Soviet Union. The story is retailed directly by the people involved in the process and organizations...
CIF Publishes Anniversary Publication ’20 Years of Health Care, 2014
20 Years Anniversary brochure describes reforms that have significantly altered the landscape of health care in Georgia after collapse of the Soviet Union. The contents draw on important publications and oral narratives by those who have been initiators, implementers and witnesses to...
CIF Celebrated the 20th Anniversary
On September 19, Curatio International Foundation celebrated the 20th anniversary. Alongside with our work it turned 20 years from Georgian healthcare system reforming start up, after collapse of Soviet Union. CIF celebrated the anniversary together with the people who were...
Georgian Healthcare System Barometer: Experts’ Evaluations of Changes Taking Place in the Healthcare
The survey was focused on expected results of the Universal Insurance; possible influence of steps made by the Government on private investments in healthcare; population health; quality of the medical service and medical education; a policy of healthcare financing.
BlogTalkRadio to Host CIF President
In October 2013, the BlogTalkRadio program focusing on health hosted Katevan Chkhatarashvili, the President of Curatio International Foundation. Ketevan talks about her public health experience and CIF’s role in transition of Georgia’s health sector. New Health Internet Radio with Global...
Winner of CIF Students Fellowship Program for 2013-2014
Ana Petriashvili became the winner of Curatio International Foundation Fellowship program for 2013- 2014. As the winner of the previous year, she too is the Master program student of International Public Health Department of Tbilisi State Medical University. Ana is...
Mental Health Among IDPs in Georgia
A conference titled ”Mental health and conflict in Georgia: turning research into practice” will be held on September 12, 2013 at the Sheraton Metekhi Palace, Tbilisi. The conference will present findings from the largest research project so far undertaken in...
The Forbes and Skoll World Forum to discuss HIV/AIDS Epidemic with Director of CIF
Which Region Has The Fastest-Growing HIV/AIDS Epidemic In The World?- Giorgi Gotsadze, Director of Curatio International Foundation was asked to discuss this issue with Forbes. The discussion precedes many health-related discussions to take place in September at the Clinton Global...
CIF Participation in the Private Sector in Health Symposium 2013
On July 6, Sydney, Australia hosted the Private Sector in Health Symposium 2013. Three rounds of parallel sessions covered diverse range of issues, such as regulation, influencing quality of care, health financing and a focus on equity. Mr. George Gotsadze,...
Article on Springer-Determinants of Risky Sexual Behavior Among Injecting Drug Users in Georgia
Curatio International Foundation has published the article on Springer, Aids and Behavior Section. The article covers the findings of CIF’s recent study on Injection risk practices and risky sexual behaviors among injection drug users (IDUs) and their sexual partners particularly...
Tobacco Use and Nicotine Dependence among Conflict-Affected Men in the Republic of Georgia
Article published on International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ISSN 1660-4601 by Bayard Roberts, Ivdity Chikovani, Nino Makhashvili, Vikram Patel and Martin McKee There is very little evidence globally on tobacco use and nicotine dependence among civilian populations...
HIV prevalence and risk behaviors among key populations- Study Findings Published
HIV prevalence and risk behaviors among key populations were studied in Georgia in 2012. The Biomarker Behavioral Surveillance Surveys (Bio-BSS) were carried out among People Who Inject Drugs (PWIDs) in six major cities, among Men who have Sex with Men...
Think Tanks Signed an Ethical and Quality Standards Document
On May 21, Curatio International Foundation together with fifteen Georgian Think Tanks signed an Ethical and Quality Standards Document. The document presents comprehensive standards to guide the work of Georgian think tanks and establishes principles to ensure that the think...
Hosting interns from international universities
In the framework of its internship program, during the first months of 2012 winter, Curatio International Foundation hosted two interns Lucia Callizo from Macalester college in Minnesota and Laura Covarrubias from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Interns made...
Hosting interns from international universities
In the framework of its internship program, during the first months of 2012 winter, Curatio International Foundation hosted two interns Lucia Callizo from Macalester college in Minnesota and Laura Covarrubias from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Interns made...
CIF’s contribution to Investing in Global Health and Development
Since the creation of the Global Fund, the world’s financing instrument in the fight against AIDS, TB and Malaria the role of private foundations has significantly increased in contributing to funding, participation in its governance and to the strategy of...

CIF Fellow Awards Event
On December 25, Curatio International Foundation will award its 3rd winner of CIF Scholarship program 2012-2013. The Winner is Ana Kasradze, Master students of Public Health Management from Tbilisi State Medical University. The awards ceremony will take place at Tbilisi...
Assessing the Health Insurance for the Poor in Georgia
During the last two decades Government of Georgia initiated series of reforms introducing major changes in health financing policy and restructuring the health system to reverse the negative trends observed in equity, affordability and quality of essential health service for...
Curatio International Foundation Among Grant Management Solutions Awarded Partners
Grant Management Solutions 2 Awarded to MSH Partnership: Up to Five More Years of Technical Support to Grantees of the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria Cambridge, MA, October 16, 2012– Management Sciences for Health (MSH) takes pride...
Fourth Wave Results of Pharmaceutical Study Published
Curatio International Foundation has completed a study exploring ‘Price, Affordability and Availability of Medicines in Georgia’. The study was divided into three stages and carried out in 2009-2001. The key aim of the study is to improve affordability and availability...
CIF Calls for participation in internship program for 2012-2013
Curatio International Foundation launches its internship program for 2012-2013 years and invites interns from around the world who are studying at masters or Ph.D. level and who are interested to have first-hand experience in the real-life setting and to contribute...
Curatio International Foundation revealed the winner of its annual scholarship program
Curatio International Foundation named Ana Kasradze as the winner of its annual scholarship program. Ana is the master’s program student at the Tbilisi State University, Department of International Public Health. Ana is actively involved in annual conferences and study visits...
Impact of global HIV/AIDS initiatives on health systems in Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia
During January-July 2010 Curatio International Foundation in collaboration with London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and other partners started exploring the effects of Global Fund HIV programmes on the roles of civil society organisations (CSOs) in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and...
Submission of Applications for CIF Scholarship for Master Program Students near to deadline
The deadline for submission documentations for CIF web site is approaching to deadline, June 15. Master program students of Public Health Management or BA with focus on Public Health management from accredited universities in Georgia are encouraged to participate in...
Health care in Georgia is currently available for very rich and very poor
As the lead key informant to the policy brief on Medical Insurance for the Poor: impact on access and affordability of health services in Georgia says, the “health care in Georgia is currently affordable for very reach and very poor”....
Presentation of the findings of Assessment of Complex Non-Communicable Condition in Low Income Countries
Use of Multi-Method Rapid Evaluation to Assess Complex Non-Communicable Condition in Low Income Countries At Geneva Health Forum 2012 Curatio International Foundation presented a study preliminary findings which looks at evaluation of health systems performance in low-resource settings with regard...
Poster Presentation at Copenhagen 2012 Conference on HIV
Curatio International Foundation presented two posters at Copenhagen 2012 Conference- HIV in Europe. One of the posters presented results of Bio-Behavioural surveys among Injecting Drug Users in five cities of Georgia in 2008-2009 and specifically explored Low testing uptake and...
Contributing to publishing the paper: Circus monkeys or change agents? Civil society advocacy for HIV/AIDS in adverse policy environments
Curatio International Foundation has contributed to publishing the paper that explores the factors enabling and undermining civil society efforts to advocate for policy reforms relating to HIV/AIDS and illicit drugs in three countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Georgia,...
National Center for Biotechnology Information published CIF’s scientific paper on Unsafe injection and sexual risk behavior among injecting drug users in Georgia
In August 2011, National Center for Biotechnology Information published CIF’s scientific paper on Unsafe injection and sexual risk behavior among injecting drug users in Georgia. The paper describes the prevalence and correlates of unsafe drug injecting and sexual behaviors among...
Findings of the pharmaceutical market study in 2009-2011 years
The key aim of the study is to improve affordability and availability of medicines for the population. Based on a three-year observation of pharmacies and different medicines in Georgia, Curatio International Foundation studied the practice in the pharmaceutical sector and...
Main findings of Catastrophic Health Expenditure Analysis in Georgia
The researcher of the Curatio International Foundation Natia Rukhadze presented the findings of Catastrophic Health Expenditure Analysis in Georgia at the “Seminar on Health Financing Reforms in Georgia” held in MoLHSA on October 26, 2011. The study was funded by...
Contribution to the development of National Health Care Strategy 2011-2015
Curatio International Foundation has contributed to the development of National Health Care Strategy 2011-2015: “Affordable and Quality Health Care”. Under the current strategy, the government intends to improve population health through a reduction of disease burden and mortality by 2015.
Catastrophic Health Expenditure Analysis in Georgia
On October 26, 2011 the researcher of the Curatio International Foundation Natia Rukhadze presented the findings of Catastrophic Health Expenditure Analysis in Georgia at the “Seminar on Health Financing Reforms in Georgia” held in MoLHSA. The study was funded by...
New web guide for using qualitative approaches to health systems research
By the end of summer 2011 Curatio International Foundation and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) developed the web resource which serves as a guideline for qualitative approaches in researching the health systems. Information of the web site...
CIF Study Published in BMC Magazine, The Role of Supportive Supervision on Immunization Program Outcome- a randomized filed trial from Georgia
The research article by CIF and international experts has been published in BMC International Health and Human Rights 2009. Article is a part of the supplement: The fallacy of coverage: uncovering disparities to improve immunization rates through evidence.The Canadian International...
CIF Calls for participation in internship program for 2011-2012
Curatio International Foundation launches its internship program for 2011-2012 years and invites interns from around the world who are studying at masters or Ph.D. level and who are interested to have first-hand experience in the real-life setting and to contribute...
Releasing results of Bio-behavioral surveillance survey among men having sex with men
Georgia is among the countries with low HIV/AIDS prevalence but with a high potential for the development of a widespread epidemic. However, over the past several years while transmission through injecting drug use is still the prevailing route for HIV...
Winner of the Fellowship Program 2011 Revealed
In May, 2011 the winner of the CIF fellowship program was revealed. According to the decision of the experts committee the fellowship will be granted to Maia Khutsishvili, Master program student of the Tbilisi State Medical University. Over more than...
Prices, Availability and Affordability of Medicines in Georgia-the New Study Report Endorsed
In December 2010 CIF wrapped up the second stage of the study exploring “Price, availability and affordability of medicines in Georgia”. The study aimed at increasing awareness of civil society and improved access to medicines for the population through strengthening...
Customer Satisfaction Research Report on Corporate Health Insurance Released
Curatio International Foundation releases report on Customer Satisfaction Research on Corporate Health Insurance. The report was supported by International Health Budget Monitoring Initiative of the Open Society Institute. The research prepared by the three experts of CIF (Marine Egutia, Natia...
Statement for the Media-The Study on Injected Drug Users Completed
Only 1/4 of Intravenous Drug Users are getting tested for HIV, putting their wife’s and girlfriends and the rest of the Georgian population at risk for a widening epidemic Curatio International Foundation, a Georgian think tank, says “motivating IDUS to...
National and subnational HIV/AIDS coordination: are global health initiatives closing the gap between intent and practice?
The research article prepared by the international experts and representatives of Curatio International Foundation was published in the international journal Globalization and Health web site. The article is available at US National Library of Medicine as well. The paper identifies...
Assessment of HIV/AIDS Surveillance System Pilot is Already Available
Curatio International Foundation has provided Assessment of HIV/AIDS surveillance system pilot. The operations research of HIV/AIDS surveillance pilot in Georgia was conducted in the framework of the project “Establishment of evidence-base for national HIV/AIDS program by strengthening the HIV/AIDS surveillance...
Findings of Behavior Surveillance Surveys (BSS) Endorsed
Curatio International Foundation in collaboration with Infectious Diseases, AIDS and Clinical Immunology Research Center and Public Union Bemoni and association Tanadgoma has carried out Behavior Surveillance Surveys with biomarker component among Injecting Drug Users (IDUs), Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs), and...
Internship at Curatio International Foundation is challenging for John Hopkins University Students
Throughout 2 weeks Curatio International Foundation will be hosting interns from Public Health School at John Hopkins University Sudit Ranade and Mollie Werlieb. Having the opportunity to undertake internship at Curatio International Foundation for the first ever time, students are...
The Art of Crafting Policy Briefs
High quality research evidence is one of the critical preconditions for employing the evidence by policy makers into policy making. However, high quality research evidence itself is not sufficient; it must be communicated in ways that make it compelling. On...
Representatives of CIF Visit 2010 Global Health Information Forum
On January 28-30, Ms. Keti Goguadze and Ms. Ivdity Chikovani, Project Managers at Curatio International Foundation presented Spot lights of Georgia Health Information System Strengthening at 2010 Global Health Information Forum in Bangkok, Thailand. The Global Health Information Forum, hosted...
Training in Evidence Search-Acquisition
Through implementing the project: Strengthening Capacity of Civil Society for Promoting Research Evidence into Policy Development in Georgia, Curatio International Foundation aims to improve the skills of civil society representatives in developing policies that are a) evidence informed b) tailored...
Marking 15th Anniversary
Curatio International Foundation unveiled the most successful Public Health Management Student on its 15th Years anniversary marking event. On December 18, Curatio International Foundation granted the first student of the fellowship program established on the occasion of its 15th anniversary....
Hosting Club Discussion on Mental Health Policy
On December 16th Curatio International Foundation in partnership with UK-Georgia professional Network (UGPN) hosted policy club discussion on Mental Health policy issues. The meeting focused on development of recommendations for the improvement of the existing mental health service provision system...
Put Final Touches on the Training in Policy and Political Cycle
Advent of the far reaching reforms era in Georgia surged a great demand in cross-sectoral collaboration between the government, civil society and the media to ensure production of high quality evidence and increased demand for evidence informed public policy formulation....
A New Paradigm for Regulating Georgian Pharmaceutical Market
Curatio International Foundation in partnership with UK-Georgia professional Network (UGPN) conducted policy club discussion to increase awareness of the civil society organization regarding the Bill on Changes and Amendments to the Georgian Law on Drugs and Pharmaceutical Activities, which has...
CIF will Launch Fellowship for the Best Student of Healthcare/Public Health Management Faculty
Are you a successful last year bachelor student of healthcare/public health management? If yes, you are posed a golden opportunity to be granted the fellowship worth around 250 GEL monthly. From 2009 CIF will start awarding fellowships to the most...
CoReform Project and the Ministry of Health Mark the Completion of the First Stage of Trainings on ICPC2 Application
Today, July 24th the CIF under the auspices of the USAID funded CoReform project hosted the award ceremony dedicated to the completion of the first stage of the training course on Classifications for Hospital, Ambulatory and Laboratory interventions. 30 Master...
Georgia HIS Strategic Plan posted on Health Metrics Network website
HMN takes the initiative to publish HIS strategic plan produced by Curatio International Foundation on its website. The first baseline assessment of HIS was carried out in 2006 in East Georgia by Curatio International Foundation. It applied the HMN (Health...
First Stage of Training Course on Evidence Informed Policy Formulation Crowned
More than 20 executives from leading local and international non-governmental organizations in public policy formulation have successfully completed training workshop on ”Evidence Informed Policy”, on July 31-August 3, 2009 in Ureki, Georgia. The training workshop in Ureki was the first...
Findings of Behavior Surveillance Surveys (BSS) to be Endorsed Soon
Curatio International Foundation in collaboration with Infectious Diseases, AIDS and Clinical Immunology Research Center and Public Union Bemoni has carried out Behavior Surveillance Surveys with biomarker component among intravenous drug users (IDUs). The activity covered 5 Georgian regions -Tbilisi, Batumi,...
The Study on System-wide Effects of the Global Fund on Georgia’s Health Care Systems posted on GHIN website
The country case summary displayed on GHIN website was prepared as part of the academic consortium of the WHO Maximizing Positive Synergies between health systems and GHIs initiative. The study assesses the effects of the Global Fund funding on the...
Behavior Surveillance Survey among CSWs Covers Batumi and Tbilisi
Curatio International Foundation together with Infectious Diseases, AIDS and Clinical Immunology Research Center and Association Tanadgoma carried out Behavior Surveillance Survey with biomarker component among CSWs. The survey targeted the capital Tbilisi and regional city Batumi, sampling 280 individuals. The...
Sentinel Surveillance Method to Provide Reliable HIV/AIDS Statistical Data
In the framework of the Global Fund project “Establishment of evidence-base for national HIV/AIDS program by strengthening the HIV/AIDS surveillance system in the country” Curatio International Foundation has launched 2 sentinel surveillance sites at STI clinics. In March 2009 two...
Curatio International Foundation Contributes to Global HIV/AIDS Initiatives
Curatio International Foundation is a member of Global HIV/AIDS Initiatives Network (GHIN). As a part of the WHO Maximizing Positive Synergies publication “Interactions between Global Health Initiatives and Health Systems: Evidence from countries” Georgia Case study “System-wide effects of the...
Mr. George Gotsadze approved as a Permanent Member of the Global Fund TRP
By the decision of the Global Fund 19-th board meeting Mr.George Gotsadze, the Director of Curatio International Foundation was appointed as a Permanent Member of the Technical Review Panel (TRP). On May 5-6, 2009 at the Global Fund 19-th board...
The research article on Household Catastrophic Health Expenditure-evidence from Georgia and its policy implications published in BMC Health Services Research
On April 28,2009 the research article on Household Catastrophic Health Expenditure-evidence from Georgia and its policy implications was published on the online scientific journal BMC Health Services Research. The research undertaken by the highly qualified experts of Curatio International Foundation...
CIF Hosts workshop on Classifications for Hospital and Laboratory intervention
On March 5, 2009 the CIF, in the framework of USAID funded CoReform project organized the workshop on Classifications for Hospital and Laboratory intervention. On March 5, 2009 the workshop on Classifications for Hospital, Ambulatory and Laboratory interventions was held....
National Conference in the framework of the Global Fund funded project
On December 24, 2008 the first phase of the project “Establishment of evidence base for national HIV/AIDS program by strengthening of HIV/AIDS surveillance system in the country” was closed by the National Conference. The event highlighted crowning achievements of the...
CIF conducted a workshop to discuss HIV/AIDS Surveillance System Assessment results
Trainings on Mental Health Financing conducted with the financial support of Adam Smith Foundation end successfully. 25 representatives from Mental Health NGOs, Association of psychiatrics, psychiatric coalition, ombudsmen office and media enjoyed an opportunity of gaining sound understanding of conceptual...
CIF conducted a workshop in the framework of the project funded by the Global Fund
On March 31, 2008 a stakeholder workshop to introduce project goal and objectives, project components, main activities and project time-frame was held at the Hotel “Ambasadori”. The workshop was organized in the framework of the project “Establishment of evidence base...
The Global Fund Contracted Curatio International Foundation for Consulting Services
Curatio International Foundation was contracted for consulting services in the following three areas of operation and grant management support:diagnostic and remedial action planning in Global Fund grant countries facing implementation challenges;governance and oversight processes for Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs); analysis...
CIF and MoLHSA conduct a workshop on Integrated Model and Strategic Plan for the Health Information system development in Georgia
On February 12, 2008 a stakeholder workshop to discuss an Integrated Model and Strategic Plan for the Health Information System development in Georgia was held at the Ministry of Labor Health and Social Affairs of Georgia (MoLHSA). The workshop was...
Regional Workshop on Rotavirus and Diarrheal Disease
On January 23-24, 2008 a Regional Workshop entitled “Rotavirus and Diarrheal Disease Control” was held in Tbilisi, Georgia. The workshop with 50 participants was sponsored by PATH and hosted by Curatio International Foundation. The workshop brought together representatives from Eastern...
National Avian Influenza Surveillance Guidelines
In 2007 two editions of the guideline were published within the framework of the project Strengthening Surveillance, IEC and Procurement Planning to address Avian Influenza in Georgia. The guidelines provide comprehensive recommendations addressed to the Georgian health system workers on...
Dr. George Gotsadze – CIF director and PATH board member presented “Hope for health in a weakened nation”
Dr. George Gotsadze, Director of the Curatio International Foundation was invited to present findings at PATH about the human health story of the dissolution of Soviet Union, the political and socio-economic transition that has challenged a weak health care system,...
Natia Rukhadze – CIF Researcher at the Global HIV/AIDS Initiatives Network (GHIN) international workshop in Dublin, Ireland
Natia Rukhadze, presented preliminary research findings of the study “Effects of GFATM on Georgia’s Health System Development” to the global stakeholders. The selected topic for the presentation was “Sustainability of GFATM program supported activities in Georgia”. The workshop, which was...
George Gotsadze – CIF director at fifth Global NHA symposium in Lund, Sweden
Dr. George Gotsadze has participated in the fifth Global NHA symposium hosted in Lund, Sweden. July 8-11, 2007 The Fifth Global NHA symposium was a two-day workshop, arranged by the Swedish Institute for Health Economics (IHE) in collaboration with the...
Yale University Announced Selection of Leading Georgian Public Health Expert, Ketevan Chkhatarashvili, as a 2007 Yale World Fellow Yale University announced the selection of the leading Georgian health policy advisor, Ketevan Chkhatarashvili, the preside
Yale University announced the selection of the leading Georgian health policy advisor, Ketevan Chkhatarashvili, the president of Curatio International Foundation, an organization which is a pioneer of health care reform throughout the Caucasus, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and Africa, as...
Introductory Workshop on National Health Accounts in Azerbaijan
Dr. George Gotsadze, Director of Curatio International Foundation, traveled to Baku, Azerbaijan during May 16-18, 2007. Dr. Gotsadze was invited within the frame of Primary Health Care (PHC) Strengthening Project in Azerbaijan to contribute to the introductory workshop on National...
Armenia Visit Report
CIF consultant, Ketevan Goguadze in April 1-7, 2007 traveled to Armenia. The major purpose of the visit was to provide technical support to the Armenian national working group in order to estimate the costs of the current immunization program; evaluate...
Protocol of the Policy Club on the Public Health Organizational Development
On February 23, 2007 the policy club has been organized within the framework of CoReform Project with the aim to discuss organizational arrangement of the Public Health at local level. It has brought together Deputy Ministers MOLHSA, representatives of Sector...
Ukraine Mission Report
CIF consultant George Gotsadze was invited by the country office of UNAIDS Ukraine to support the reconstruction of the management component of the Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Control Project, financed with the loan proceeds from the World Bank. The project has...
Health Research for a Responsive Healthcare System in Georgia
The project was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and implemented by Curatio International Foundation (CIF) in collaboration with National Health Management Center of Georgia (NHMC), Tbilisi State Medical University, Department of Public Health and Management of Georgia (DPHM), London School...
Development of Hospital Master Plan for Georgia, 1998-1999
Development of Hospital Master Plan for Georgia project started in July 1998 and ended in January 1999. The project was funded by the World Bank through prime contract with Kaiser Permanente International (USA). Curatio International Foundation managed and administered all...
Hospital Financing in Georgia: Problems & Solutions, 1998-1999
The Hospital Financing in Georgia Problems & Solutions project was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) through prime contract with Abt. Associates Inc. The project aimed to evaluate financing of the hospital sector in Georgia in order...
Healthcare Reform in Georgia
Since the restoration of independence, reforming Georgia`s healthcare system was vital. The report looks at reforms implemented since early 90ies. It give a brief overview of heatlh situation in the Soviet union. Authors: David Gzirishvili, George Mataradze; 1998. Read the...
Final Report on Family Planning and Reproductive Health Assessment in Georgia
The overall goal of the assessment was to promote a development of the national policy on family planning in Georgia through provision of updated and reliable information about the family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH) in the country. A panel of experts...