Dr. George Gotsadze, Director of Curatio International Foundation, traveled to Baku, Azerbaijan during May 16-18, 2007. Dr. Gotsadze was invited within the frame of Primary Health Care (PHC) Strengthening Project in Azerbaijan to contribute to the introductory workshop on National…
CIF consultant, Ketevan Goguadze in April 1-7, 2007 traveled to Armenia. The major purpose of the visit was to provide technical support to the Armenian national working group in order to estimate the costs of the current immunization program; evaluate…
On February 23, 2007 the policy club has been organized within the framework of CoReform Project with the aim to discuss organizational arrangement of the Public Health at local level. It has brought together Deputy Ministers MOLHSA, representatives of Sector…
Primary Health Care Strengthening Project was implemented during the period of September 2005- September 2007 by a consortium of organizations led by International Medical Corps (IMC) in cooperation with Abt Associates Inc., Curatio International Foundation, and the John Hopkins University…
The project was funded by USAID/Caucasus and implemented by Curatio International Foundation (CIF) and Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) in June 2006-April 2007. The key partners were: Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs, DPH, NCDC, WHO, UNICEF,…
Community Based Health Insurance Project was funded by Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) and was implemented by Curatio International Foundation (CIF) during the period of September 2003 – September 2007. The objective of the project was to test the feasibility…
CIF consultant George Gotsadze was invited by the country office of UNAIDS Ukraine to support the reconstruction of the management component of the Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Control Project, financed with the loan proceeds from the World Bank. The project has…
The project of Feasibility Assessment for Introduction of the Community Based Health Financing (CBHF) was funded by Egyptian Social Fund for Development (SFD) and implemented by Curatio International Foundation during the period of September 2005- May 2006. The objective of…
Georgia Health Information and Disease Surveillance Reform project was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Aid/ Caucasus (USAID) and was implemented in partnership with Partners for Health Reform Plus (PHRplus) Project and Curatio International Foundation. The objective of the…
Healthy Women in Georgia (HWG) project was funded by U.S. Agency for International Aid (USAID) and implemented by JSI Research & Training Institute Inc. in collaboration with Curatio International Foundation, Save the Children, Orthos. The duration of the project was…