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Health System Resource Centre

The Health System Resource Centre (HSRC) provides access to technical assistance, knowledge, and information in support of pro-poor health policies, financing, and services, for the Department for International Development of UK and its international and national partners. The duration of…

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Community Investment Program– East

The Community Investment Program – East was funded by BP/Mercy Corps, and implemented in partnership with Mercy Corps., Elkana, TAG, Constanta and Curatio International Foundation (CIF) in March 2003- December 2005. In the frame of this project, CIF was responsible…

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Community Investment Program – West

The Community Investment Program – West was funded by BP/CARE Int. and implemented in partnership with CARE Int., ICCN, TAG, Constanta, and Curatio International Foundation (CIF) in the period of March 2003- December 2005. In the frame of this project,…

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HIV/AIDS Mapping Study in the Central Asia Region

Imperial College Consultants (Central Asia HIV/AIDS mapping study April-June 2004), together with the Curatio International Foundation, have designed and managed implementation of the Central Asia (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan) HIV/AIDS mapping study, which looked at the spread and the…

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Community Based Health Financing Project

Community Based Health Financing (CBHF) project was implemented by Curatio International Foundation (CIF) through the Sub-Grant Agreement No: RFA-GC6-001-DT under the West Georgia Community Mobilization Initiative Project, which was administered by the Care International in Caucasus and was funded by…

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Management Information System Development

The project Safe Motherhood Initiative was funded by U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Management Science for Health (MSH) in partnership with Curatio International Foundation, Program for Appropriate Technology (PATH), and Emory University. The duration of the…

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Safe Motherhood Initiative

Safe Motherhood InitiativeSafe Motherhood Initiative Georgia Safe Motherhood Initiative (SMI) project was funded by U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Management Sciences for Health (MSH) in partnership with Curatio International Foundation, Program for Appropriate Technology (PATH), and…

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Georgia Primary Health Care Development Project, 2000-2003

The project was funded by UK Department for International Development (DFID) and implemented by Institute for Health Sector Development (IHSD) in partnership with London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), Curatio International Foundation (CIF), National Health Management Center (NHMC),…

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Health Reform and Hospital Financing in Georgia

The publication aims to analyze hospital financing and delivery of inpatient services, financial requirements of the hospitals, and their ability to meet these determinant requirements. There were different types of methods used during this work. By means of standardized questionnaire…

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Reform strategies in Georgia and their impact on health care provision in rural areas: evidence from a household survey

This paper aims to contribute to the assessment of the impact of health sector reforms in Georgia. It mainly focuses on changes in the patterns of health services utilization in rural areas of the country as a function of implemented…

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