Category Archive for "Uncategorized"

Georgia: a primary health care case study in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

The case study examines primary health care (PHC) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Georgia between January 2020 and July 2021. The Astana PHC components are used to consider integrated integrated primary care and essential public health functions, and essential public health functions, community engagement and multisectoral collaboration. A desk-based review was conducted, supplemented by a trend analysis of secondary data.

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External Reference Pricing Policy: A Possible Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Policy in Georgia

დოკუმენტის მიზანია მედიკამენტების ფასების რეგულირების ერთერთი ფართოდ გავრცელებული მექანიზმის – გარე რეფერენტული ფასწარმოქმნის (გრფ) პოლიტიკის შედეგების მიმოხილვა მედიკამენტებზე ხელმისაწვდომობის გაუმჯობესების კუთხით

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Georgian Healthcare Barometer XIV Wave The analysis of financial stability and risks in healthcare

Curatio International Foundation publishes the new 14th wave of the healthcare barometer which analyzes the financial situation and risks in Georgian healthcare sector.

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Healthcare Advocacy Coalition (HAC) for Human Oriented Healthcare

Realizing the challenges facing the public health and healthcare system, representatives from civil society, including NGOs, media, universities, and activists decided to form an informal union – the Health Advocacy Coalition.

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Embedding Rapid Reviews in Health Systems Decision-Making (ERA)

Curatio International Foundation has been implementing a project – an introduction of REM evaluations in health policy development – initiated by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) since July 2018.

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Embedding RApid Reviews in Health Systems Decision-Making (ERA)

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Big Pharma Greed and Artificial Prices – Knocking on Door to Limit Access to HIV Medicines in Georgia

They produce medicines that can save lives and at the same time artificially restrict access to these drugs for financially deprived people and for countries that fall outside their commercial interests.

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The Interview on population size and Human Immunodeficiency Virus risk behaviors of People who Inject Drugs in Georgia

The interview is based on the latest wave of the integrated Bio- behavioral surveillance survey conducted People Who Inject drugs (PWID) in 7 cities of Georgia. The research aims to mesure the prevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) among PWID, define key risk behaviors related to HIV and generate evidence for advocacy and policy development.

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Barriers and Facilitators to Adherence to Treatment Among Drug Resistant TB Patients in Georgia

Tuberculosis is a global challenge to public health throughout the world. Poor adherence to treatment remains a significant problem that prevents countries from obtaining high treatment success rates that is essential for health systems to control the epidemic and decrease

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