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Opportunities for Change-Presentation

The presentation describes the importance of the pharmaceutical sector, factors conditioned development of the draft Bill on Changes and Amendments to the Georgian Law on Drugs and Pharmaceutical Activities, which has been passed by the Parliament of Georgia 10th of…

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Regulation of Health Professionals-Comparative Analysis of Georgia and Western Countries

The report presents the Comparative Analysis of Georgia and Western Countries. This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development in the framework of the CoReform. The publication highlights factors deremining approaches to the regulation…

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Exploring providers’ and patients’ perspectives on barriers to quality of care for chronic heart failure (CHF) in Uzbekistan and Georgia

Exploring providers’ and patients’ perspectives on barriers to quality of care for chronic heart failure (CHF) in Uzbekistan and Georgia In the framework of the project the qualitative study will be undertaken aiming at exploring barriers to quality of care…

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Tracking global HIV/AIDs initiatives and their impact on health systems: effects on the roles of civil society organisations in Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia

The aim of the study is to explore the effects of Global Fund HIV programmes on the roles of civil society organisations (CSOs) in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine. The study represents a follow-up to the Global HIV/AIDS Initiatives Network (GHIN)…

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Tajikistan Child Health Care Services and Data Quality Assignment

Aim of the project was to identify deficiencies in children birth and death registration system and identify quality of child health care rendered by family medicine practitioners at primary health care level; The project was funded by the World Bank….

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Effects of GFATM on Georgia’s Health System Development, 2008

Global health initiatives like Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM), Global Alliance for Vaccines Initiative (GAVI), Roll Back Malaria and Stop TB etc. are intended to support developing countries to effectively deal with specific diseases/conditions. In practice,…

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HIV/AIDS Surveillance Plan, 2010

The National HIV/AIDS Surveillance Plan in Georgia was developed by the national working group in the frame of the project funded by The Global Fund- “Establishment of evidence-base for national HIV/AIDS program by strengthening the HIV/AIDS surveillance system in the…

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Georgia Immunization MIS and Disease Surveillance Reforms: Achievements, Lessons Learned and Future Directions

From 2001 to 2006, the government of Georgia and the Partners for Health Reformplus (PHRplus) project collaborated to strengthen two components of the Georgia Health Information System (HIS): the immunization management information system (MIS) and infectious disease surveillance system (IDS)….

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National Health Accounts:Reproductive Health Sub-Analysis for Georgia 2001-2003

National Health Accounts (NHA) is an internationally recognized methodology for monitoring financial resource flows into the health sector from the various sources of funds to financial agents, and from financial agents to providers and functions. The NHA sub-analysis for reproductive…

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Strategic Plan for the Development of Health Information Systems in Georgia

The purpose this document is to outline a strategy for the development of a Health Information System (HIS) in Georgia. The strategy is expected to be used by in-country stakeholders and international development partners to strengthen in a logical and…

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