Globally, the COVID-19 vaccination started at the end of 2020 and continues at a different paces in various countries. As of December 7 2021, 8 billion doses of vaccine have been administered worldwide, and 45% of the world’s population has been fully vaccinated.
The study will reveal the systemic weaknesses that have to be addressed by the Government by using, the public finance management (PFM), in Health Toolkit Version 2.7, developed by the Bank in October 2019.
The 12-month duration project aims to assess the risks of imported TB infection spread by foreign visitors and propose a set of mechanisms for risk prevention based on international experience
As part of the World Bank’s support to improving health service delivery in the country and efforts to explore prospects of harnessing domestic resources for health, Curatio International Foundation conducts fiscal space analysis in collaboration with the Government of Georgia to maximize the achievement of the health sector objectives within the overall macroeconomic and fiscal realities of the country
TB response during Covid-19
დოკუმენტის მიზანია მედიკამენტების ფასების რეგულირების ერთერთი ფართოდ გავრცელებული მექანიზმის – გარე რეფერენტული ფასწარმოქმნის (გრფ) პოლიტიკის შედეგების მიმოხილვა მედიკამენტებზე ხელმისაწვდომობის გაუმჯობესების კუთხით
There are issues with immunization coverage rates, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic; insufficient government financing for communication activities, supportive supervision, and the information management system;
The paper presents the iterative process of participatory multistakeholder engagement that informed the development of a new national tuberculosis (TB) policy in Georgia, and the lessons learned.
Since there is a considerable growth in healthcare expenditure in Georgia, driven by both supply and demand, the health system would benefit by implementing alternative payment models that will reduce costs and improve the quality of care.