Category Archive for "Expertise"

#COVID19 – Evidence and Policymaking: Personal Reflections from an LMIC Setting

As I embark on writing this blog, the global outbreak of COVID-19 is posing a growing threat to the health and well-being of our societies. The unfolding global health and economic crisis demands bold actions from all of us, but most importantly from policymakers.

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Modeling of Four Possible Scenarios of COVID-19 epidemics in Georgia

Curatio International Foundation prepared to model for Georgia on four possible scenarios of epidemics in line with the social distancing. CIF used modeling tool, Penn Medicine – COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model Epidemics.

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Prevention of Addiction and Mental Health in Adolescents in Georgia (PAMAd)

The  42-month duration project “Prevention of Addiction and Mental Health in Adolescents in Georgia (PAMAd)” aims to improve the health and wellbeing of adolescents and young people affected by substance use and common mental health disorders through effective service provision.

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Doing embedded development and research – reflections on the start of the Results4TB programme

Georgia has a high overall tuberculosis treatment success rate, but with wide geographical variation, and a high loss to follow up. Treatment success rate of drug-sensitive patients varies from 50% to 100%. Even more worrying has been the relatively low treatment success rates for multi-drug resistant TB patients, at around 56%.

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Building Institutional Capacity for HPSR and Delivery Science- CIF is Europe region HUB

The evidence-informed decision making in health still remains a major challenge. To strengthen institutional capacity in different countries around the globe the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) launched the new program to strengthen the capacity of local teaching/research and policy institutions in six low- and middle- income countries in each WHO region.

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Embedding Rapid Reviews in Health Systems Decision-Making (ERA)

Curatio International Foundation has been implementing a project – an introduction of REM evaluations in health policy development – initiated by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) since July 2018.

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Project: HIV risk behavior among Men who have Sex with Men – Bio-Behavioral Surveillance Survey and Population Size Estimation

The project aims to generate reliable information about MSM population size and define the population HIV and Hepatitis C risk behaviour. The results of the study will be used to assess the national response to HIV/AIDS and to plan the adequate national program.

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Big Pharma Greed and Artificial Prices – Knocking on Door to Limit Access to HIV Medicines in Georgia

They produce medicines that can save lives and at the same time artificially restrict access to these drugs for financially deprived people and for countries that fall outside their commercial interests.

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Technical Assistance for evaluation of transition readiness and preparation of Transition and Sustainability Plan for Global Fund-supported programs in Tajikistan

In June 2018 CIF initiated a new project with the financial support of The Global Fund. The overall goal of the CIF assignment is to support the Country Coordination Mechanism of Tajikistan (CCM) in assessing country preparedness for Transition and developing the Transition and Sustainability Plan based on this assessment and key steps identified.

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Technical Assistance for the preparation of Transition and Sustainability Plan for HIV program in Philippines

Since May 2018 Curatio International Foundation implements a technical assistance for the Philippines to prepare  Transition and Sustainability Plan for HIV program. The overall goal of the given assignment is to support the Department of Health and the Philippine National AIDS Council to develop the Transition and Financial Sustainability Plan based on the evaluation of remaining steps required to strengthen transition preparedness. The project is fulfilled in June 2018. 

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