They produce medicines that can save lives and at the same time artificially restrict access to these drugs for financially deprived people and for countries that fall outside their commercial interests.
In June 2018 CIF initiated a new project with the financial support of The Global Fund. The overall goal of the CIF assignment is to support the Country Coordination Mechanism of Tajikistan (CCM) in assessing country preparedness for Transition and developing the Transition and Sustainability Plan based on this assessment and key steps identified.
Since May 2018 Curatio International Foundation implements a technical assistance for the Philippines to prepare Transition and Sustainability Plan for HIV program. The overall goal of the given assignment is to support the Department of Health and the Philippine National AIDS Council to develop the Transition and Financial Sustainability Plan based on the evaluation of remaining steps required to strengthen transition preparedness. The project is fulfilled in June 2018.
Webinar describes how the process of focusing on gender has unfolded in different settings and share a range of tools that interested researchers, policymakers, and practitioners could use and adapt to stimulate progress towards gender equity.
Starting from March 1st, 2015 Curatio International Foundation hosts the HSG secretariat, which was previously housed in the Center for Health and Infectious Disease Research at the University of Copenhagen.
The new paper identifies the health system barriers leading to low rates of utilization of mental health services among internally displaced people (IDP) with mental disorders. The paper was published in BMC Health Services Research authored by Adrianna Murphy, Ivdity Chikovani, Maia Uchaneishvili, Nino Makhashvili and Bayard Roberts.
Have you ever wondered what the journal editor’s viewpoint is on your article, or what happens once you send your manuscript to a journal? This webinar will provide an overview of the peer review process with advice for authors on how to engage constructively with comments from editors and reviewers, and what to do when you disagree.
Join the webinar organized by Health Systems Global. During this webinar, Katherine Semaru will discuss the lessons learned from the BetterBirth trial towards the increase of quality of maternal and newborn care, and the work still needed to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.
The Curatio International Foundation has fulfilled a Tuberculosis Community Systems Strengthening (TBCSS) Project in Georgia, funded by the Stop TB partnership in the frame of Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS) round 7 program. The goal for the project was to strengthen community response that is integrated and part of a comprehensive response to TB in Georgia.
Curatio International Foundation publishes Georgia case study of primary health care system (PRIMASYS). The PRIMASYS case study covers key aspects of primary health care system, including policy development and implementation, financing, integration of primary health care into comprehensive health systems, scope, quality and coverage of care, governance and organization, and monitoring and evaluation of system performance.