Category Archive for "Primary Healthcare"

Healthcare Utilization and Expenditures for Chronic and Acute Conditions in Georgia: Does benefit package design matter?

An International peer reviewed journal BMC Health Services Research publishes an article Healthcare utilization and expenditures for chronic and acute conditions in Georgia: Does benefit package design matter?, authored by experts from the Curatio International Foundation and London School of…

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An Impact Evaluation of Medical Insurance for Poor in Georgia: Preliminary Results and Policy Implications

An International peer reviewed journal Health Policy and Planning has published an article An impact evaluation of medical insurance for poor in Georgia: preliminary results and policy implications, authored by Curatio International Foundation experts. The authors evaluated the impact of…

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Health Insurance for Poor: Georgia’s Path to Universal Coverage

The study assesses the impact of Medical Health Insurance (MIP) for the Poor on equity in access to essential health care services and financial protection against health care costs for the poor and general population. The document briefly describes identified…

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New web guide for using qualitative approaches to health systems research

By the end of summer 2011 Curatio International Foundation and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) developed the web resource which serves as a guideline for qualitative approaches in researching the health systems. Information of the web site…

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Premium Estimates for the 2009 State Health Care Benefit Program for the Poor

It is estimated that during 2009 up to 900 000 poor individual will be covered by the Program. Monthly Premium estimations done by CoReform/CIF hired actuaries in September 2008 have already submitted to the MoLHSA to inform 2009 State Budget…

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Georgia Health Utilization and Expenditure Survey

The Health Utilisation and Expenditure Survey (HUES) was conducted in May/June 2007 and consisted of a nationally representative sample of 3,218 households. The objectives of the survey were: to estimate household health expenditure and compare this with the Integrated Household…

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Introductory Workshop on National Health Accounts in Azerbaijan

Dr. George Gotsadze, Director of Curatio International Foundation, traveled to Baku, Azerbaijan during May 16-18, 2007. Dr. Gotsadze was invited within the frame of Primary Health Care (PHC) Strengthening Project in Azerbaijan to contribute to the introductory workshop on National…

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Primary Health Care Strengthening Project in Azerbaijan

Primary Health Care Strengthening Project was implemented during the period of September 2005- September 2007 by a consortium of organizations led by International Medical Corps (IMC) in cooperation with Abt Associates Inc., Curatio International Foundation, and the John Hopkins University…

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Community Based Health Insurance

Community Based Health Insurance Project was funded by Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) and was implemented by Curatio International Foundation (CIF) during the period of September 2003 – September 2007. The objective of the project was to test the feasibility…

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Georgia Primary Health Care Development Project, 2000-2003

The project was funded by UK Department for International Development (DFID) and implemented by Institute for Health Sector Development (IHSD) in partnership with London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), Curatio International Foundation (CIF), National Health Management Center (NHMC),…

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