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Tina Shishinashvili

Tina Shishinashvili HSG Secretariat Administrative Assistant Tina Shishinashvili joined CIF team in January 2016. She holds master’s degree in Economics and has an experience in financial, administrative and logistic support of various international projects and business sector for more than 10...
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CIF Pharmaceutical Price and Availability Study (Fifth Wave Results)

The Curatio International Foundation has released the results of the fifth wave of the Pharmaceutical Price and Availability (PPA) study in Georgia. The study set out to generate further evidence regarding pharmaceutical prices and availability in the country through the…

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Research Data Management Policy

Version Control Version Author/Responsible person Approved by Date V1. RDMP Maia Uchaneishvili Ivdity Chikovani 10.03.2015   Introduction/Background Curatio International Foundation (CIF) uses own experience and best practices during creation of this Research Data Management Policy (RDMP). The owner of this…

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Assessment of GAVI Alliance HSS support to Tajikistan

In August 2014, Curatio International Foundation conducted an assessment of GAVI Alliance HSS support to Tajikstan to provide solid evidence of to what extent the support achieved its objectives and contributed to strengthen the health system of the country. The assessment…

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Final Evaluation of Gavi’s Support to Albania

After the conclusion of Gavi’s support period (2014) to the Albania, Curatio International Foundation conducted the evaluation study and assessed financial and programmatic sustainability through an in-depth analysis of Albania’s experiences and immunization programme performance before, during and after the…

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Ongoing Projects The  research project aims to promote evidence-based policies in the pharmaceutical sector by generating evidence and fostering civil engagement. The project will achieve the aim through two objectives: (1) Investigate the recent reforms in the pharmaceutical sector and their...
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Infographic: HIV/AIDS in Georgia

Though preventive programs are focused on the high risk population, we face slightly but growing tendency of HIV/AIDs among general population.

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HIV risk and prevention behaviours among Prison Inmates in Georgia, 2015

Curatio International Foundation continues implementation of Bio-Behavioral Surveillance Surveys (BBS) among Key Affected Populations (KAP’s) with the aim to measure HIV prevalence among KAP’s, monitor risk behaviors among these groups and generate evidence for advocacy and policy-making. The current study…

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Georgia Health Financing and Immunization System Assessment

Opening and closing December 29, 2015 – June 30, 2016 Donors  and Partners The World Bank Group Objective 1. To carry out the Implementation Assessment through implementation of the Immunization Module of the HFSA 2. To provide inputs to the…

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