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CoReform Project and the Ministry of Health Mark the Completion of the First Stage of Trainings on ICPC2 Application

Today, July 24th the CIF under the auspices of the USAID funded CoReform project hosted the award ceremony dedicated to the completion of the first stage of the training course on Classifications for Hospital, Ambulatory and Laboratory interventions. 30 Master…

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Georgia HIS Strategic Plan posted on Health Metrics Network website

HMN takes the initiative to publish HIS strategic plan produced by Curatio International Foundation on its website. The first baseline assessment of HIS was carried out in 2006 in East Georgia by Curatio International Foundation. It applied the HMN (Health…

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First Stage of Training Course on Evidence Informed Policy Formulation Crowned

More than 20 executives from leading local and international non-governmental organizations in public policy formulation have successfully completed training workshop on ”Evidence Informed Policy”, on July 31-August 3, 2009 in Ureki, Georgia. The training workshop in Ureki was the first…

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Findings of Behavior Surveillance Surveys (BSS) to be Endorsed Soon

Curatio International Foundation in collaboration with Infectious Diseases, AIDS and Clinical Immunology Research Center and Public Union Bemoni has carried out Behavior Surveillance Surveys with biomarker component among intravenous drug users (IDUs). The activity covered 5 Georgian regions -Tbilisi, Batumi,…

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The Study on System-wide Effects of the Global Fund on Georgia’s Health Care Systems posted on GHIN website

The country case summary displayed on GHIN website was prepared as part of the academic consortium of the WHO Maximizing Positive Synergies between health systems and GHIs initiative. The study assesses the effects of the Global Fund funding on the…

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Behavior Surveillance Survey among CSWs Covers Batumi and Tbilisi

Curatio International Foundation together with Infectious Diseases, AIDS and Clinical Immunology Research Center and Association Tanadgoma carried out Behavior Surveillance Survey with biomarker component among CSWs. The survey targeted the capital Tbilisi and regional city Batumi, sampling 280 individuals. The…

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Sentinel Surveillance Method to Provide Reliable HIV/AIDS Statistical Data

In the framework of the Global Fund project “Establishment of evidence-base for national HIV/AIDS program by strengthening the HIV/AIDS surveillance system in the country” Curatio International Foundation has launched 2 sentinel surveillance sites at STI clinics. In March 2009 two…

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Curatio International Foundation Contributes to Global HIV/AIDS Initiatives

Curatio International Foundation is a member of Global HIV/AIDS Initiatives Network (GHIN). As a part of the WHO Maximizing Positive Synergies publication “Interactions between Global Health Initiatives and Health Systems: Evidence from countries” Georgia Case study “System-wide effects of the…

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Health in Times of Transition

Health in Times of Transition: Trends in Population Health and Health Policies in CIS countries (“HITT-CIS”) is primarily funded by the European Commission (DG Research – FP7). HITT-CIS is a large scale international study of 10 post-soviet countries that tries…

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Mr. George Gotsadze approved as a Permanent Member of the Global Fund TRP

By the decision of the Global Fund 19-th board meeting Mr.George Gotsadze, the Director of Curatio International Foundation was appointed as a Permanent Member of the Technical Review Panel (TRP). On May 5-6, 2009 at the Global Fund 19-th board…

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