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Call for educational Strategic Policy Fellowship Program

If you are interested in the pharmaceutical sector, represent the public sector, a non-governmental organization, or are an activist, we look forward to your application

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We are pleased to announce that The Sixth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2020) has opened

We are pleased to announce that The Sixth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2020) has opened. Curatio International Foundation has performed as a secretariat of Health Systems Global and organizer of Global Symposium on Health Systems Research for five years, since 2015.

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Discussing interim results of research project: Prevention of Addiction and Mental Health in Adolescents in Georgia (PAMAd)

On October 16, 2020, the Curatio International Foundation held a meeting to discuss the interim results of the research project – Prevention of Addiction and Mental Health in Adolescents in Georgia (PAMAd)

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Effects of Pay for Performance on utilization and quality of care among Primary Health Care providers in Middle and High-Income countries

The evidence review summarizes the existing literature on P4P effectiveness on utilization and quality of primary health care in private settings in middle-income and high- income countries. The document and its findings are especially relevant to Georgia.

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Does pay for performance work to improve immunization coverage?

Pay for Performance (P4P) is a financing mechanism that has flourished in recent years as countries look for innovative ways to improve coverage of health services.

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The recent COVID-19 crisis has shown how social media can be used successfully for community engagement and emotional support, as well as for providing the latest global evidence.

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The first phase of the joint fellowship program of the Curatio International Foundation and the Knowledge to Policy Center (K2P) at the American University of Beirut has been successfully implemented

On July 27 and 28, the Curatio International Foundation implemented the first phase of the Strategic Fellowship program. Representatives of the government and non-government sectors in the healthcare competition were trained in evidence-based decision making and advocacy.

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LNCT WEBINAR: Incremental Costs of Routine Immunization, Campaigns, and Outreach Services During COVID-19

Please join us on Thursday, July 16, 2020, for LNCT webinar: Incremental Costs of Routine Immunization, Campaigns, and Outreach Services During COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted immunization services critical to the prevention of vaccine preventable diseases in many low- and middle- income countries around the world.

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LNCT Webinar: Assessing Bottlenecks to Adequate and Predictable Vaccine Financing

Please join us on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 for LNCT webinar, Assessing Bottlenecks to Adequate and Predictable Vaccine Financing. Diagnosing the root cause of constraints affecting the adequacy and predictability of vaccine financing is an important part of the Gavi transition.

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LNCT WEBINAR: Designing Behavioural Strategies for Immunization in a Covid-19 Context

Please join us on Thursday, May 21, 2020 for an LNCT webinar, ‘Designing Behavioral Strategies for Immunization in a Covid-19 Context.’ Hosted by Common Thread, this webinar will review the Covid-19 context that many GAVI countries now find themselves in.

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