Category Archive for "Health Systems Strengthening"

BioBehavior Surveillance Survey results were represented to the members of Parliament of Georgia

Curatio International Foundation together with BEMONI PUBLIC UNION (BPU) represented BioBehavior Surveillance Survey results to the Members of Parliament of Georgia.   The study was conducted in seven major cities of Georgia (Tbilisi, Gori, Telavi, Zugdidi, Batumi, Kutaisi and Rustavi) with…

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Response to the “Final evaluation of GAVI support to Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance published response to the “Final evaluation of Gavi support to Bosnia and Herzegovina” conducted by Curatio International Foundation. Gavi assess the final evaluation and the given recommendations as an important document for the transition country program…

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CIF Publishes the Short Movie on 20 Years of Healthcare, 2014

Curatio International Foundation celebrates its 20 years anniversary and prepares short movie describing the history of health care reforms in Georgia after collapse of Soviet Union. The story is retailed directly by the people involved in the process and organizations…

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Development of a Strategic Plan to Strengthen Health Information System in Georgia

Development of a Strategic Plan to Strengthen Health Information System in Georgia project was financed by the Health Metrics Network (HMN). The project started in April 2007 and was completed in March 2008. The aim of the project was to…

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Impact of global HIV/AIDS initiatives on health systems in Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia

During January-July 2010 Curatio International Foundation in collaboration with London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and other partners started exploring the effects of Global Fund HIV programmes on the roles of civil society organisations (CSOs) in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and…

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Health Insurance for Poor: Georgia’s Path to Universal Coverage

The study assesses the impact of Medical Health Insurance (MIP) for the Poor on equity in access to essential health care services and financial protection against health care costs for the poor and general population. The document briefly describes identified…

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Poster Presentation at Copenhagen 2012 Conference on HIV

Curatio International Foundation presented two posters at Copenhagen 2012 Conference- HIV in Europe. One of the posters presented results of Bio-Behavioural surveys among Injecting Drug Users in five cities of Georgia in 2008-2009 and specifically explored Low testing uptake and…

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Contribution to the development of National Health Care Strategy 2011-2015

Curatio International Foundation has contributed to the development of National Health Care Strategy 2011-2015: “Affordable and Quality Health Care”. Under the current strategy, the government intends to improve population health through a reduction of disease burden and mortality by 2015.

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New web guide for using qualitative approaches to health systems research

By the end of summer 2011 Curatio International Foundation and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) developed the web resource which serves as a guideline for qualitative approaches in researching the health systems. Information of the web site…

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Customer Satisfaction Research Report on Corporate Health Insurance Released

Curatio International Foundation releases report on Customer Satisfaction Research on Corporate Health Insurance. The report was supported by International Health Budget Monitoring Initiative of the Open Society Institute. The research prepared by the three experts of CIF (Marine Egutia, Natia…

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