Category Archive for "Europe & Eurasia"

Costs of routine immunization services in Moldova: Findings of a facility-based costing study

An International peer reviewed Journal Vaccine, published an article Costs of routine immunization services in Moldova: Findings of a facility-based costing study. Authored by experts from the Curatio International Foundation. The study evaluates the total economic and unit costs of…

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Analyses of Costs and Financing of the Routine Immunization Program and New Vaccine Introduction in the Republic of Moldova

In 2012-2014 Curatio International Foundation implemented the costing study that aimed to evaluate routine immunization program costs and financing as well as incremental costs and financing of a new vaccine introduction in the Republic of Moldova. The study was a…

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Health Service Utilization for Mental, Behavioural and Emotional Problems among Conflict-Affected Population in Georgia

An International peer reviewed Journal PLOS One has published an article Health Service Utilization for Mental, Behavioral and Emotional Problems among Conflict-Affected Population in Georgia: A Cross-Sectional Study, authored by experts from the Curatio International Foundation, and the London School of…

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Final Evaluation of GAVI Alliance’s Support to Bosnia and Herzogovina

In 2014 Curatio International Foundation conducted a final evaluation of GAVI’s support to Bosnia & Herzegovina (BiH), commissioned by the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) Alliance Secretariat. The evaluation assessed both financial and programmatic sustainability through an in-depth…

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Healthcare Utilization and Expenditures for Chronic and Acute Conditions in Georgia: Does benefit package design matter?

An International peer reviewed journal BMC Health Services Research publishes an article Healthcare utilization and expenditures for chronic and acute conditions in Georgia: Does benefit package design matter?, authored by experts from the Curatio International Foundation and London School of…

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An Impact Evaluation of Medical Insurance for Poor in Georgia: Preliminary Results and Policy Implications

An International peer reviewed journal Health Policy and Planning has published an article An impact evaluation of medical insurance for poor in Georgia: preliminary results and policy implications, authored by Curatio International Foundation experts. The authors evaluated the impact of…

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Policy Information Platform (PIP) Expert Consultation Meeting

Policy Information Platform (PIP) expert consultation was held in Istanbul on 29-30 January, 2015. At the meeting methodological issues, roadmap for the PIP implementation and evaluation approaches were discussed. CIF director George Gotsadze and Research Unit director Ivdity Chikovani participated…

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Civil Society Forum organized by Country Coordination Mechanism

On January 29, at Courtyard Marriott Hotel was held a Civil Society Forum organized by Country Coordination Mechanism. The forum was part of country dialogue process regarding HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis issues. During the meeting, civil society representatives shared results of…

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CIF Publishes the Short Movie on 20 Years of Healthcare, 2014

Curatio International Foundation celebrates its 20 years anniversary and prepares short movie describing the history of health care reforms in Georgia after collapse of Soviet Union. The story is retailed directly by the people involved in the process and organizations…

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CIF Publishes Anniversary Publication ’20 Years of Health Care, 2014

20 Years Anniversary brochure describes reforms that have significantly altered the landscape of health care in Georgia after collapse of the Soviet Union. The contents draw on important publications and oral narratives by those who have been initiators, implementers and witnesses to…

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