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We are pleased to announce the theme and sub-themes for the Sixth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Dubai in November 2020: “Re-imagining health systems for better health and social justice”

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Health Systems Global (HSG) and The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) are committed to supporting individual capacity for the conduct and uptake of health policy and systems research (HPSR). Peer reviewed publications are important for communicating scientific work, recognition within the research community and career progression.

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A pilot of a new intervention launched to Improve adherence to TB treatment and its outcomes in Georgia

A pilot of a new intervention in TB service provision launched from July 1 st , 2019 in Georgia. The
intervention aims at improving adherence to TB treatment and its outcomes through introduction of
a package of interventions, including an integrated TB care at primary health care level and a Results
Based Financing (RBF) scheme of healthcare providers.

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Training for epidemiologists and health workers on TB contact tracing new guideline

On August 5-6 International Foundation Curatio held one-day training for epidemiologist and health workers in the frame of the project “Technical Assistance Using Modern Technology for TB Prevention, Diagnosis and Increased Quality Treatment” funded by National Center for Disease Control and Public Health.  Aim of the training was to introduce training participants TB contact tracing new guideline.

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Workshop on using modern technology for TB prevention, diagnosis and increased quality treatment

Curatio International Foundation held expanded workshop in the frame of the project
“Technical Assistance using modern technology for TB prevention, diagnosis and increased quality
treatment”. The project is financed by National Center for Disease Control and Public Health.

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K2P Mentorship Program on Building Institutional Capacity on Evidence Informed Policy Making

The Head of Research Unit Maia Uchaneishvili is presenting the progress, challenges and future vision of Curatio International Foundation about the K2P Mentorship program on building institutional capacity for HPSR and evidence informed policy making, the workshop is organized by Knowledge to Policy K2P Center at the American University of Beirut, the project is supported by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) under the WHO.

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Training on using Research Evidence for Policy Making

Curatio International Foundation is holding a 3-day training on 15-17 May, at the Parliament of Georgia on using Research Evidence for Policy Making and on the Rapid Response Synthesis.

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Doing embedded development and research – reflections on the start of the Results4TB programme

Georgia has a high overall tuberculosis treatment success rate, but with wide geographical variation, and a high loss to follow up. Treatment success rate of drug-sensitive patients varies from 50% to 100%. Even more worrying has been the relatively low treatment success rates for multi-drug resistant TB patients, at around 56%.

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Healthcare Advocacy Coalition (HAC) for Human Oriented Healthcare

Realizing the challenges facing the public health and healthcare system, representatives from civil society, including NGOs, media, universities, and activists decided to form an informal union – the Health Advocacy Coalition.

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Introductory Meeting on the project ‘Embedding Rapid Reviews in Health Policy-Making’

On November 5, the Committee on Health and Social Affairs of the Parliament of Georgia will host an introductory meeting on the project “Embedding Rapid Reviews in Health Policy-Making”.

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