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Taavy Miller from University of North Carolina shares her internship experience

Taavy Miller was a CIF Intern during the 2018 Summer internship program. Within the internship program at CIF, Taavy was involved in the project aimed to study issues related to population access to medicine.

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Building Institutional Capacity for HPSR and Delivery Science- CIF is Europe region HUB

The evidence-informed decision making in health still remains a major challenge. To strengthen institutional capacity in different countries around the globe the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) launched the new program to strengthen the capacity of local teaching/research and policy institutions in six low- and middle- income countries in each WHO region.

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Inter-regional workshop in preparation for transitioning towards domestic financing in TB, HIV and Malaria programmes

During October 17-19 the WHO Regional Office for Europe in collaboration with WHO headquarters, GFATM and USAID is organising a workshop in Tbilisi to provide countries a platform for dialogue on sustainability and transition issues, and to further define regional and national actions for successful transition from external support while maintaining and scaling up efforts in addressing HIV, TB and Malaria. 

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Memorandum of Cooperation between the Health and Social Issues Committee of the Parliament of Georgia and Curatio International Foundation

On October 15, Akaki Zoidze, Chairman of Health Care and Social Issues Committee of the Parliament of Georgia and Curatio International Foundation President George Gotsadze signed a memorandum of cooperation

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Embedding Rapid Reviews in Health Systems Decision-Making (ERA)

Curatio International Foundation has been implementing a project – an introduction of REM evaluations in health policy development – initiated by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) since July 2018.

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Curatio International Foundation at the Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

Experts of Curatio International Foundation are joining the symposium as participants. They can be reached in the exhibition hall Table #14 or at the following sessions of the symposium:

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The civil society gathered for the fourth time to discuss healthcare system challenges in Georgia

On September 27-29, the fourth work meeting of a civil society is being held in Kachreti. Representatives of a civil society, media and academia convene under the framework of the joint project of Curatio International Foundation and Open Society Foundation.

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Project: HIV risk behavior among Men who have Sex with Men – Bio-Behavioral Surveillance Survey and Population Size Estimation

The project aims to generate reliable information about MSM population size and define the population HIV and Hepatitis C risk behaviour. The results of the study will be used to assess the national response to HIV/AIDS and to plan the adequate national program.

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Embedding RApid Reviews in Health Systems Decision-Making (ERA)

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Curatio International Foundation at AIDS2018

Curatio International Foundation joins the 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 22-27 July.

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