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Big Pharma Greed and Artificial Prices – Knocking on Door to Limit Access to HIV Medicines in Georgia

They produce medicines that can save lives and at the same time artificially restrict access to these drugs for financially deprived people and for countries that fall outside their commercial interests.

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Civil society is gathering for the third time to hold a discussion about the healthcare

On 13 and 14 July, the Curatio International Foundation and the Open Society Foundation organize the third meeting with representatives of civil society, media, and academy. The purpose of the meeting is to analyze Georgia’s health care system and to discuss the challenges of the system.

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Webinar: Gavi Vaccine Prices Post-Transition

On Tuesday, July 17th for the third in a series of LNCT webinars on vaccine procurement. Participants will get updated information on how to access vaccine prices similar to those paid by Gavi once countries have transitioned.

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Webinar: Mapping and consensus of global competencies set for the field of HPSR: A progress update and HSG round table discussion

Are you involved with designing HPSR training programs? Do you create course content for HPSR training? Do you implement teaching programs for HSPR? 

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Health Systems Global Publishes Annual Report 2017

On behalf of the Secretariat, we are honored to share the results of our joint effort. Reading this document you will see the progress HSG society made during these years as well as some challenges we still need to tackle.

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Webinar: Vaccine Forecasting and Budgeting Tools and Best Practices

Participants will learn about existing vaccine forecasting and budgeting tools and best practices to optimize quantities procured while minimizing costs and risk of supply shortage and gaps in funding. 

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Technical Assistance for evaluation of transition readiness and preparation of Transition and Sustainability Plan for Global Fund-supported programs in Tajikistan

In June 2018 CIF initiated a new project with the financial support of The Global Fund. The overall goal of the CIF assignment is to support the Country Coordination Mechanism of Tajikistan (CCM) in assessing country preparedness for Transition and developing the Transition and Sustainability Plan based on this assessment and key steps identified.

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Technical Assistance for the preparation of Transition and Sustainability Plan for HIV program in Philippines

Since May 2018 Curatio International Foundation implements a technical assistance for the Philippines to prepare  Transition and Sustainability Plan for HIV program. The overall goal of the given assignment is to support the Department of Health and the Philippine National AIDS Council to develop the Transition and Financial Sustainability Plan based on the evaluation of remaining steps required to strengthen transition preparedness. The project is fulfilled in June 2018. 

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Discussing the accessibility of medicines in Georgia

In June, within the initiative, Curatio International Foundation held a workshop to discuss the accessibility of medicines in Georgia. Representatives of more than 20 interested organizations, including civil society, media, and academy, we discussed an important challenge of the pharmaceutical industry, which makes it difficult for the population to get access to medicines.

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Terms of Use

Terms of Use Agreement Between User and Curatio International Foundation The Curatio International Foundation Web Site is comprised of various Web pages operated by Curatio International Foundation. The Curatio International Foundation Web Site is offered to you conditioned on your…

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