EECA HIV Sustainability Summit 2022 in Tbilisi

On September 26 – 28, EECA HIV Sustainability Summit 2022 took place in Tbilisi, Georgia, which aimed to mobilize national, regional, and international stakeholders and create a platform for the high-level dialogue on strategic vision and priority actions required to overcome critical disablers and barriers in ensuring sustainable access to essential HIV services.

The Summit was targeted towards governments, policymakers, donors, advocates, researchers, practitioners and affected communities.

On one hand, the summit provided space for dialogue, networking, communication and collaboration for advocates, civil society, and communities to discuss, plan and coordinate joint efforts in overcoming barriers to access and ensure sustainability of services. On the other hand, the summit was envisaged to act as an advocacy tool to influence the decision makers.

During the summit, among various participants, Curatio International Foundation’s representative, Maia Uchaneishvili made a presentation “Sustaining Public Health Gains After Donor Transition”, aiming to present how and why Georgia was (or was not) able to sustain and increase (or not increase) adequate coverage of health interventions previously supported by the donors and identify the enablers and barriers.

The summit was organized by Alliance for Public Health (APH), Médecins Du Monde Mission to South Caucasus (MdM) & International Budget Advocacy Hub (IBAH).



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