Embedding Rapid Reviews in Health Systems Decision-Making (ERA)

General Overview

As a result of the constitutional amendments passed at the end of 2017, Georgia became a parliamentary republic. It increased the role of the legislature in policy development and supervision. As a result of these amendments, the Committee on Health and Social Affairs of Georgia has taken over more authority and powers to monitor the activities and policy implementation by the government, to regularly request reports maintained at the Ministry of Health and other agencies in order to analyze their performance and to develop recommendations. Consequently, the Committee has become more actively involved in reforming healthcare sector and in solving public policy issues.

The platform – ERA / REM introduction in healthcare policy development – has been established to facilitate the ongoing process. The establishment of the platform is in line with the recent trends and provides for the possibility to promote evidence-based policy-making in the country.

About the project

Curatio International Foundation has been implementing the project initiated by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) since July 2018.

The project aims at building capacities of evidence-based and sustainable decision-making in the field of healthcare policy development

Project goals
  • Identification of pressing health policy topics/ issues
  • Introduction of evidence-based rapid evaluation methods
  • Preparation of REM evaluations on selected topical issues
  • Facilitation of evidence-based decision-making.
Donors and Parents

The project is financially supported by the World Health Organization and the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research. The project is implemented by Curatio International Foundation in cooperation with the Committee on Health and Social Affairs of the Parliament of Georgia. Technical support to the project is also provided by St. Micheal’s Hospital-Knowledge Translation Program (Canada), Makerere University (Uganda)

Geographical Coverage


Project Timeline

The project has been implemented since July 2018 and will run until November 2019.

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