Curatio International Foundation Hosts Health Systems Global Secretariat in Tbilisi, Georgia
Curatio International Foundation Hosts Health Systems Global Secretariat in Tbilisi, Georgia. Health Systems Global (HSG) is the first international membership organization fully dedicated to promoting health systems research and related knowledge translation. HSG brings together researchers, policy-makers, funders, implementers, civil society and other stakeholders from all over the world. Around 1900 HSG members work together to create, share and apply knowledge necessary for strengthening health systems globally.
Starting from March 1st, 2015 Curatio International Foundation (CIF) hosts the HSG secretariat in Tbilisi, Georgia, which was previously housed in the Center for Health and Infectious Disease Research at the University of Copenhagen. Dr. George Gotsadze, Director of Curatio International Foundation assumed the role of the Executive Director of Health Systems Global. He leads secretariat together with the teams from CIF and Institute of Development Studies and strives for the HSG to become a stronger society.
Health Systems Global organizes a symposium every two years and brings together the full range of players involved in health systems and policy research. Previous global symposia were held in Montreux, 2010, Beijing 2012, Cape Town 2014, Vancouver 2016,
and the fifth one will take place on October 8-12, 2018 in Liverpool, UK and is expected to bring together around 3000 participants from around the world. Detailed information about the 5th global symposium on the Health Systems Research is available on the website.
In case of interest, you could follow future developments at Health Systems Global on Web profiles.
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CIF and the Results for Development / Accelerator combined their expertise to co-author an insightful blog, shedding light on Georgia’s commendable efforts to overcome limited data challenges and develop evidence-based policies for financing rehabilitation services
Starting from March 1st, 2015 Curatio International Foundation (CIF) hosts the HSG secretariat in Tbilisi, Georgia.
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Starting from March 1st, 2015 Curatio International Foundation (CIF) hosts the HSG secretariat in Tbilisi, Georgia.
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Starting from March 1st, 2015 Curatio International Foundation (CIF) hosts the HSG secretariat in Tbilisi, Georgia.
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